Alternative terms, 3rd choice
Which term would be 3rd best? [70 votes total]

Anaxagorians (as in follower of Anaxagoras, the first nontheist/naturalist known to exist.) (5)
Atomists (0)
Atoms (0)
Brights (6)
Enlightened Ones (0)
Epicurians (as in follower of ancient naturalist Epicurus) (1)
Epicurean Naturalists (1)
Evaluators (0)
Evaluites (0)
Evolvers (2)
Freethinkers (12)
Nats (short for naturalists) (1)
Naturalies (variant spelling of Naturalists) (0)
Naturalismists (variant spelling of Naturalists) (0)
Naturies (variant spelling of Naturalists) (0)
Philosophical Naturalists (5)
Realists (5)
Sciencians (1)
Secularists (14)
Seculars (1)
Thinkstirrers (0)
Worlders (as in focusing on the natural world) (1)
Worldlings (listed in the dictionary as one who is devoted to the interests of this world) (2)
Phrontisteries (0)
Forthrights (1)
Rationalists (8)
Enoughists/Nuffists (the natural world is enough) (0)
None of the above (4)

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