Offensive terms
Which terms seem offensive to you, if any? Check all that apply, please. [748 votes total]

Anaxagorians (18)
Atomists (26)
Atoms (26)
Brights (56)
Enlightened Ones (71)
Epicurians (17)
Epicurian Naturalists (17)
Evaluators (30)
Evaluites (29)
Evolvers (36)
Freethinkers (10)
Nats (41)
Naturalies (32)
Naturalismists (26)
Naturies (34)
Philosophical Naturalists (8)
Realists (15)
Sciencians (32)
Secularists (5)
Seculars (9)
Thinkstirrers (49)
Worlders (30)
Worldlings (39)
Phrontisteries (22)
Forthrights (21)
Rationalists (5)
Enoughists/Nuffists (36)
None of the above (8)

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