What to do with Saddam Hussein?
What should be done with Saddam Hussein? [1238 votes total]

Kill him right away, preferably today. (220)
Restore him to his rightful position as ruler of Iraq. (226)
Put him in prison for the rest of his life, preferably in one of the deep underground bunkers he built. (52)
Turn him over to the Iraq Governing Council for a fair trial. (157)
Turn him loose on the streets of Baghdad and let his own people decide what to do with him. (107)
Let him buy a mansion in Beverly Hills, where he will write his memoirs. (118)
Turn him over to the United Nations for a War Crimes Trial. (202)
Torture him until he tells us where all the Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMD's) are located and until he reveals his hidden assets and secret bank accounts. (75)
Take him to Guantanamo Base in Cuba and hold him there indefinitely. (17)
Keep him in a secret location and never tell anybody what happened to him, or whether he is even dead or alive. (This is actually the most likely outcome). (64)

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