$100 Jerk
What jerky thing would you do for $100? [2236 votes total]

Trap a stranger in a revolving door for five minutes (296)
Trip a waiter carrying a load of dishes (38)
Hock a big loogie into your hand and shake a strangers hand (45)
Dump over some old lady's cart at the supermarket (22)
Run up on stage during a broadway play and do the butt dance (53)
Grab a toupee of someone's head (74)
Key a stranger's car (132)
Steal your neighbors mail one day (202)
Toss a wet sponge into a baby carriage (93)
Sit at the top of the slide in a crowded playground and refuse to move for an hour (124)
Put two thumbtacks on a coworkers chair- point up (111)
Smear dogpoop under the handle of a stranger's car door (163)
Make yourself throwup in a restaurant. (49)
Spray paint 'Dumb Dog' on a dog. (128)
All of the above! Who cares? (273)
None of the above! You crazy? (273)
This poll belongs in the toilet. (160)

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