Creepy Santa
What's the creepiest thing about Santa Claus? [2466 votes total]

That he apparently lives forever. (58)
That he breaks into your house in the middle of the night. (232)
He lives up at the North Pole all mental. (18)
His secret salamander circus. (101)
That he drinks milk nonstop all night. (70)
Wondering if his elves are slaves. (121)
Wondering where he gets his funding. (74)
That he sees you when you're sleeping (418)
He "knows" when you're awake. (106)
That the elves make 'knockoff' bootleg electronics (26)
He might make a fart on your head while you're asleep (96)
That he might look like your dad dressed up weird (9)
He's gonna find out who's naughty. (76)
Donner. (76)
That he hangs out at the mall. (55)
That your mom makes out with him (102)
Wondering where he goes to the bathroom on Christmas Eve. (87)
What else he does when he slows down/stops time. (110)
None of the above! Lay off Santa! (309)
Everything about Santa is creepy (322)

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