Not Working
What is the most unwork-like thing you have done at work the most? [1670 votes total]

Smoked pot (115)
Masturbated (240)
Had sex with someone (117)
Watched porn video (49)
Stripped naked and ran around in your office (12)
Slept for more than 1 hour straight (156)
Got drunk (119)
Made the bathroom all gross on purpose (30)
Vandalized something or did graffiti (21)
Stole some stuff (205)
Got in a fist fight (15)
Had phone sex (29)
Broke something just so you could get a new one (48)
Stole money (23)
Xeroxed a private part (14)
All of the above (88)
None of the above. I ain't ashamed of nuttin! (293)
This poll belongs in the dumpster out back. (96)

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