Vote for your favorite captions! (Max 2) [48 votes total]
DRAGONWINE's: Mal: CANCELLED!!!! You mean I slept with that gorram Fox exec for nothin' !? (18) |
38% |
CAGEYBEE's: MAL and JAYNE in unison: How drunk were we last night?!? (10) |
21% |
RAT's: Mal: Where am I? Jayne: The special hell!! (9) |
19% |
GOJIRO's: JAYNE: You there, old woman! MAL: MAN! JAYNE: Oh, sorry, old man then. MAL: I'M THIRTY-SEVEN!! (6) |
13% |
MANTICHORUS': JAYNE: "Gorrammit, Mal, you use your tongue prettier than a $20 whore." (5) |
10% |