Superbowl Halftime Show
Which would be the best superbowl half-time show? [1347 votes total]

The Blue Angels fly around and launch missiles at random cars in the parking lot. (158)
Ice the whole field and naked cheerleaders skate around. (111)
Someone digs a hole in the middle of the field. (32)
Some 5 year old kid who doesn't know how to play drums plays a drum solo the whole time. (35)
Kevin Spacey drinks beer and says famous movie quotes in burps. (53)
Naked cheerleaders roll around aimlessly. (106)
Bruce Springsteen comes out and sings Tiny Tim songs. (11)
Naked cheerleaders run football plays. (162)
A wormhole appears in the middle of the field and someone with the lucky seat numbers gets hucked into it. (51)
Saddam Hussein gets carted out in a tutu and naked cheerleaders throw heads of lettuce at him. (100)
Billy Joel and Tracy Gold do demolition derby. (23)
Janet Jackson shows her woo-woo "by accident." (32)
Naked cheerleaders stand around and smoke cigarettes and insult the audience. (71)
A whole bunch of bees get set free in Section 302. (52)
Cock fighting with robot cocks. (24)
Ref bareknuckle boxing. (33)
This poll is superbowl stupidbowl. (77)
All of the above. (125)
Too much nakedness here. (91)

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