Fictional Dinner
Which fictional character would you most want to have dinner with? [1199 votes total]

Dr. Beverly Crusher (30)
Spongebob Squarepants (74)
Hedwig (24)
Indiana Jones (96)
Joey Tribbiani (37)
C. Montgomery Burns (26)
Holden Caufield (50)
Alex De Large (3)
Xena (52)
Inspector Clouseau (30)
Nigel Tufnel (16)
Mary Jane Watson (38)
Bridget Jones (49)
Batman (43)
Karen Walker (39)
Susan Mayer (6)
Yoda (158)
Austin Powers (61)
Agent Smith (24)
Lloyd Christmas (24)
Lloyd Dobler (45)
Hot Lips Houlihan (8)
Goofy (15)
Harry Potter (52)
Private Judy Benjamin (12)
Kelly Taylor (14)
Jem (24)
Betty Rubble (45)
No thanks I'll stay home. (65)
This poll belongs in the toiletbowl. (39)

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