Superbowl Poll
What could best improve the Superbowl? [1315 votes total]

It's actually played on a bowl shaped field. (17)
Players have to perform the commercials during breaks. (51)
A cheerleader quarterbacks all first downs. (56)
Bitey snakes all over the field. (74)
Three footballs in play at all times. (65)
There is no out of bounds. (41)
It's played at the same time on the same field as the World Series. (53)
Lineman have cymbals on their hands. (12)
One goal post on the 50 yard line. (5)
Every huddle. Everyone gets a shot of booze. (433)
Touchdowns can only be scored by kickers. (7)
All players have to wear shoes 5 sizes too big. (39)
Get a penalty? Get a cupful of ants in your helmet. (40)
All players play with penis out. (93)
The field is made of hot tar. (20)
Random construction equipment rip up the field between plays. (45)
Change it to flag football but the flags are worn inside the underwear. (19)
This poll sucks. Football sucks. (111)
Yawn. Eat it. (48)
Fart. (86)

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