Annoying Friend
What's the most annoying thing your annoying friend does? [1103 votes total]

Eats all your food (22)
Always ready with a put-down (82)
Shows up unannounced (34)
Talks on cellphone too much (49)
Take things too personally (57)
Thinks they're always right (146)
Crazy about cleanliness (10)
Too into their pet (25)
Whines but takes no action (138)
Thinks the world is out to get them (39)
Egotistical (52)
Has annoying friends (23)
Borrows things and doesn't return them (19)
Refuses to step up when need be (30)
Talks too much about sex (24)
Flirts with your boyfriend/girlfriend (26)
Cheap (35)
Forces music and books on you (9)
Talks in movies (13)
Bad dating life (22)
Bad spouse/husband (32)
Talks about kids too much (17)
Obsessed with internet (10)
Tells you what to do (33)
Never takes advice (24)
I don't have any annoying friends! (82)
This poll is annoying! (50)

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