Worst TV Show Idea
What TV show idea is the worst? [1100 votes total]

America's Next Top Foot Model (61)
Feline 24 (24 but with a cat as the star) (44)
One Man Food Fight Show (Each show some guy has a food fight by himself) (34)
Algebra Class (A boring high school algebra class gets filmed) (260)
Yesterday's Weather Channel (149)
Late Night with Dead Guy (Dead guy hosts a late night show) (19)
The Key Club (A bunch of a-holey teens go around keying cars and laughing it up) (30)
Racist Jerk Roundtable (Bunch of drunk racists sit around saying racist stuff in a round table format) (83)
Emergency Broadcast System Idol (118)
Terrible Deal or Even Worse Deal? (14)
Four Kings (29)
So You Think You Can Spit? (69)
Metal Detector Jousting (Dorky Knights jousting with metal detectors) (10)
Gun Nut Leprechaun (Some gun nut dressed as a leprechaun shoots at trees) (21)
This poll sucks dog nuts! Gah!!!! (159)

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