Duran Duran Downunder
Do You Want Duran Duran to come to Australia in their 2003 tour???????? [65 votes total]

YEAH! I'll sleep in the streets for a month to see them!!!!!! (33)
You bet! Can't wait for the tickets! (3)
They better come to Sydney! (5)
I want them to get their butts to Melbourne Fast! (6)
I hope those Wild Boys come to Perth! (3)
You bet! They better not miss Brisbane either! (6)
Of course I want them to come. They better remember Adelaide! (0)
Well, I used to like them, but I'm kinda over it. (1)
It would be cool if they'd come, but I wouldn't bother going to the concert. (0)
Duran who? (2)
They better come, AND they better sing New Religion (5)
They better come, AND they better sing The Reflex (1)
They better come, AND they better sing New Moon on Monday (0)

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Welcome to the Poll! DURAN RULZ!0324SkyOct 27, 2002