Berai to Bashtrin Albumi gorani le sali 2004 da kameye? [3473 votes total]

Mêro - Adil Aziz (136)
Tavgeî shq - Adnan Kerim (438)
Sruti Awîn - Ata Qeredaxi (99)
Xemêki Bê Kotaiy - Aiub Ali (127)
Heniski tenhaye- Dilova&Avin (11)
Mezgeni-Hessen Sherif (66)
Jilemo - Hêmin Hussên (13)
Umêda min - Hozan (19)
Dahatu chon deb - Jale (27)
Yar - Jihan Ibraheem (40)
Nel jvanê - Krawan kamil (55)
Gula Nergizekem - M. Aziz (8)
Tom Le bire - Nadia (43)
Chwar Chira - Niyan Abdulla (30)
Nostalgi - Qader ased (54)
Bo pêm nalêy - Roj kerim (83)
Bireweri - Sabur (113)
Yran - serkeut (93)
Hesret - Semir Dasko (5)
Roj - Hussên Sherifi (80)
Bo To Kurdistan - Shehê n Talebani (1172)
Sozi Dayk - Shilan Usman (69)
Chraxan - Yassen Namiq (43)
Têlinaz - Zekerya (649)

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