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Patriotic Animal
Which animal is the patriotically bestest? [1031 votes total]

Canuck the Beaver (186)
Whiskers the Pageant Hero (42)
President Dog (15)
Dr. and Mrs. Iguana (25)
Uncle Godzilla (50)
Madame Cow and Cow Junior (109)
Admiral Lion (27)
Pether Possum (13)
Uncle Samadillo (25)
Senator Platypus (18)
George Bushiphant (133)
The Praying Patriot (110)
Cheerio the Brithorse (35)
General Feline (186)
Whatever!!!!! (57)

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Comments About This PollTotal Comments 63 | Start A New Topic
TopicRepliesViewsStarted ByDate
missile units2416British ChickFeb 23, 2006
no, im adam0419adamFeb 22, 2006
America's Mean!0486General FelineFeb 20, 2006
Seriously people, we dont care15805Quite annoyedFeb 17, 2006
canada?12600ralphyboyFeb 16, 2006
i'm adam5525adamFeb 16, 2006
bush isn't patriotic14679bushiphant sucksFeb 16, 2006
Armadillos Rock!2523garpFeb 16, 2006
whiskers4555SerladyFeb 16, 2006