Consulting the almighty oracle...

...and getting TWO possible winners!

River: Please, God, make me a scone.
RIVER:"There is no bowl...."
River: *Gregorian chant* THWACK!(hits bowl to head) *More chanting* THWACK! .......
"My food is spelling back at me."
JAYNE (VO): Smells like crotch. RIVER: ...but tastes like Reaver.
Mal (sarcastically): So what does our futures hold for us little one? River: (deadpan)little children... Mal *chokes on food*
As River ponders on an acceptable way to get a little crazy, she asks herself: "Shall I do the soup thing? It's always a hoot and they don't all die from it."
RIVER (to bowl): Don't make faces.
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