...Two little votes and we'll have one Caption Tightpants winner!
| Mal-a-day, noun, an unwholesome, delusional condition. | | All (singing): "We're, too sexy for our fandom, too sexy for our fandom, so sexy it huuuurts!" | | The organisers of the Flanvention were sitting comfortably in their hotel room on the far side of the world when the concierge asked them to come down to reception... | | Mal (os, Kaylee in arms): Oh, I'm a browncoat, and I'm okay,I sleep all night and I work all day. MAL CHORUS: He's a browncoat, and he's okay, He sleeps all night and he works all day. | | "Here's a cap'n, there's a cap'n, yellow pants gun-waving cap'n, tightpants cap'n, browncoat cap'n, cap'n, cap'n, sign." | | Wash: OKAY! thats it, wheres my crummy hero town!?! |