Three little crewmembers, standing in a row...

Vote for your 2 favorites to see which one stands as the best!

Zoe: ...and thats where I found them sir, buck naked, up on top of the statue of Hippocrates.
Someone brought up mutated cow fetus in conversation and suddenly there was an uncomfortableness in the air...
Jayne (OS): "Well, don't you all make quite the trio: Runs on batteries, don't need batteries, and too proper for batteries..."
Salesman: You buy this lifesize cardboard cutout, treat it proper, it'll be with you for the rest of your life
Kaylee: It's shiny, gettin' yer picture taken. Zoe (thought): I survived Serenity Valley, I can survive this. Simon (thought): Wait, since when did Jayne become a photographer?
KAYLEE (Thinking): Capt'n looks so cute in that pretty floral bonnet. ZOE (Thinking): That dress is why I never send my man shopping... SIMON : Am I .....doing a gender reassignment surgery....?
River had them to pose for a quick capture, but not before reminding them how she could kill them all with her brain.
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