Why aren't you watching the trailer?!?!

Well, as long as you are here, pick the 2 best of the bunch!

Mal thinking: Here I am, King of all Londinium. Wouldn't you know? I forgot my hat.
Nathan: Hey! I had clothes on when we filmed that scene! Joss(OS): Yeah, I know...Zoic's great, ain't they?
Zoe (OS): Wrong moon, Sir.
The cunning distraction that allowed the Browncoats to hold the high ground on the first day of the Battle of Serenity Valley.
Naked but not articulate.
Mal *thinking*: "Dang, why'd the Alliance have to go and design 'enviro-correct' porta-potties? Can't tell which ones is and which ones ain't!"
MAL:"So THIS is the corner of No and Where."
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