43 and counting???

We pick two, TWO wonderful captions, ah ha ha haaa!

Everyone else hated Karaoke Night on Serenity, but Mal was the Captain and he insisted. Mal: Desperado[...]
Breaker 1-9, we got a bear in the air and our toenails are scratching. Watch your donkey. You got your ears on? Come back.
MAL:"B-14, i've got a B-14 here...okay, next bingo number is...."
The crew has suspicions that Mal was a closet case Barry Manilow fan, but it wasn't until he started belting out Mandy that the fear had become reality.
Mal: "Blue MoOoOoOOoooOn.........you saw me standing aloOOOOOooOOooooone............" Wash (OS): "Oh God, oh God, we really ARE gonna die!"
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