Ruttin' holiday parking at the mall...

Choose the 2 best gorram reaver captions in the 'Verse!

Wash: Don't panic... don't panic... Mal: So this is it. We're gonna die. Wash: Yeah. We're gonna die. Wash: No... no! What's this? [goes over to control panel] Mal: What's that? Wash: What's this...? What's this...? [flips switch] Wash: This... is... n
...and the crew of Serenity sailed quietly and calmly through the remnants of the Star Wars movies...
Zoe: Well? Is it clear? Mal [wide eyed]: ...No. Zoe: How many? Mal: ...Lots.
On the night before Christmas Away out in space Every Reaver was stirring. 'Twas a great Firefly chase! Former losers were hung From the ceilings with care In hope that fresh victims Soon would be there.
Mal: How did the Reavers get so many ships? Simon (under his breath): They've probably been following us around and picking up the pieces that fall off.
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