Follow the bouncing ball, and laugh at Jayne!

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Jayne Was having his zombie nightmare again yet he still couldt understand how he coulf fight his undead crewmates with a pilates ball
Zoe: Jayne, Stop it! kaylee needs that twixt her nethers.Jayne: I'll be in my buuuuuunk!
By now, Jayne has figured out why 'Hot Potato' is played with an actual potato and not with a 50 pound ball of aluminum fresh out of the furnace.
Mal(OS): If you can dodge a wrench, you can--*kerthuck*Jayne: Mommy.Wash: Garrr. It be stuck in his booty! Garrr!
Book: mmmmmm... Look at those guns.
Kaylee: YESSS!! I knew my prune cakes would do the trick!Wash: No! I'm betting in Simon's magic pill!Zoe: It's gonna explode!Book: That's right Jayne, just let it all out.
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