The man in white has come to take Mal back to the womb!

vote for 2!

Used Ship Salesman: No one has ever asked me that before. I don't know, um, maybe... four-hundred beagles in the main cargo hold.Mal: What about that one? How many tiny bobble-head dolls, you think?
Hungry Mal turns away from the Colonel as he is distracted by Wendy's buns.
MAL (to Inara, OS): Should I start with the part where you're stranded in the middle of a junkyard or the part where you have no cl... you have no clo... hngghhhhh...!
Mal: i shall call it... "Better than the Enterprise, Battlestar Galactica, Millenium Falcon and Rodger Young combined!"
MAN IN WHITE: Alliance Recruiting Office? Hmmm...MAL REYNOLDS: Independent Recruiting Office? Hmmm...
MAL: Whoa! Good Firefly!
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