Now you see her....

vote for THREE!

RIVER: "Also? I can kill you with my hair."
I can has invisible cheezeburger?
This is the poster the Serenity Players used for their performance of Les Miserables.
Show off your shiny locks and get PAX fully clean.Disclaimer:Warning,PAX is not responsible for the user feeling anxiety,drowsiness,the desire to desecrate your own flesh,or ingest the flesh of others.Dangerous or illegal sewing while using this product i
JAYNE (OS): Don't puke on the C-4
SIMON(OS): So that's when Kaylee's batteries ran out and I-RIVER: Oh god, I can't know that!
Jayne (OS right): AHHH... AHHHHH...... AHHHHH! CHOOOOO!
L'Oreal, because I'm worth... oh my God, am I worth it!?
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