Two by two, you know what to do!

vote for 2!!

Wash: When I suggested we play doctor, lamby toes, this isn't what I meant.
Wash knew what about to happen but he was powerless: Under anaesthetic, Simon had muttered something about Zoe in a slinky dress, and his life would soon be snuffed out by her incredibly long and powerful pinky.
Zoe: "Oops! Sorry Doc. Let's just hope Kaylee never wants kids!"
Simon: You need to put the raspberries and the syrup on the bottom, and then put the ice cream on top. Otherwise it just flies everywhere.Zoe: Now you tell me....Wash: Um, you have some on your... um...
Zoe: Erm, Simon. I know you say the operation was a success but..... I have this bit left over.
ZOE: ex-bullet...
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