
vote for 2!

Gina: Honey, you may look like her from the back, but you ain't no brain frazzled ninja!!Ian: Mmmm, Lunch!!!!
Neither Zoe or Boon were quite prepared for 'Cousin It' to come back after all these years...
Gina (thinking): Vampires, morality. Blah, Blah Blah. Where is a flying wooden stake when you need one?
Gina: "I've been a kick-ass warrior woman in the future, I've been a kick-ass spy, I've been a kick-ass frickin' GOD. Who the hell are you?"
Gina: So you did all that with a pool cue?Ian: ahem, I believe we haven't met.
Root Beer? What makes you think you'll get any root beer here? What'say we down a mug of mudder's in celebration of U-Day and forget about the root beer??
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