Will he EVER start having a motto??!?!?!

vote for the two that you think he should use!

Mr. Universe (thoughts): Keep smiling so River won't kill me with her brain. Keep smiling so River won't kill me with her brain. Keep ....
Mr. Universe: "Look honey, Modell's has a sale on jackets!!"Lenore: "Plug me in before you leave."
Mr. U: Everything goes somewhere, and I go everywhereLenore: Well could you GO to the store and get some milk..
MR. UNIVERSE: Oh, look! A Firefly marathon on SyFy! LENORE: Bugs? If it's anything like meerkats it'll go on past our bedtime...!
Look! Up in they sky! Its a bird! Its a plane! Its a Firefly!
LOVEBOT: Uni!!!UNI!!!!Are you coming to bed? MR U. : Just one minute there hun.I'm waiting for this E-Bay auction to finish.I just bought your sister.Hehe!!!!
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