How big a room, you ask?

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JAYNE: And this is how I avoid kissing them on the mouth!
I'll trade you this for the ship. Or Saffron. Or Wash's old Dinosaur collection.
JAYNE: It's Origami, I call it Vera's sister.
"And then I took the mule through the drive-through at Badger's Burger Barn and got me a gen-u-ine, 100 percent beef burger off of the 99 cents menu for only a dollar!
JAYNE: Look! Still got $5 left from our stay at the Heart of Gold...wanna go halvesies on some apples?
Badger (OS): How could you do this to me after everything I've done for you? Mal: Oh, see, I made Jayne a bet here. See, Jayne bet me that we couldn't both get rich and put you in the poor house at the same time. He didn't think we could do it. I won. Jay
Jayne: "I got a discount at the whore house because of my manly manner." Mal, thinking: "Not the best place to look for a bargain, Jayne."
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