Joss is BOSS!

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It's Karaoke night on Serenity.
JEWEL: Oh, I think Season 3 Episode 10 is my favorite so far. We filmed on location at the ISS and hardly anybody got sick. The view was terrific, the hosts were very friendly, and the food... JOSS (VO): In my sad, pathetic dreams...
Jewel: "..and the original script called for prunes, not strawberries. Oh, and do you wanna know what he wanted instead of twixt my nethers?" Joss(daydreamin'): "I'd kill for a prune right now."
Joss didn't ask me to be in the "Avengers" so I peed in his coffee....then killed his dog.
Jewel: "We are planning for a sequel to 'Serenity' featuring Simon and Kaylee's lovechild and Zoe and Wash's daughter..." Joss: "...that's the last time I drink at a Firefly reunion..."
Jewel- Yes, the lens flares you see in Firefly were reflected off of Joss's giant forehead.
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