Killing you softly...with her brain...

vote for 2!!

Summer: [thinking] Killing you with my brain, killing you with my brain, killing you with my brain...
Sean Maher said he's what?
" Morgan? You want to buy MICRO-SOFT?" .
Summer: "Would I do WHAT for a Klondike Bar?"
No! Seriously! You have to try these bath salts!
SUMMER: "Do you want to know one thing they DON'T discuss about Fruity Oaty bars? After a while, you look like that crazy, pink octopus."
Summer: You know how sometimes you work on a show or a movie and it kind of stays with you forever? Well, it's like that with Firefly. For example, I just now sat down on a plastic dinosaur...again.
SUMMER: So - - ah - - tell me how you are about SPIDERS?
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