The 2 words one dreads...'indefinite hiatus'...

vote for 2!

I'm going to do it, I'm asking for Fridays off.
Nathan (thinking): Finally, that Buick's coming out, if I act casual enough they won't notice me digging it out of my nostril...
Nathan: "Working for Disney isn't so bad(click) bad(click)...
Stana: Nathan hasn't as much a blinked on over an hour. What happened? Seamus: He made the mistake of reading a Castle Esposito slash fic online
NATHAN (thinking): I wonder if my hair is sexy enough? Who left that neon green umbrella over there? Who would use a neon green umbrella? I would. I would create one with my Lantern Ring. If I had a Lantern Ring. Screw Ryan Reynolds. I would have been a b
Nathan: The Doctor told me "Don't blink"
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