Post BDM voting time!

vote for your favourite 2, as always!

Mal: I'll be in my bunk
And that's when the laxatives hit............
Mal: What? River ate ALL the Fruity Oatey Bars?
Mal: I know it worked great on Ariel, and trying it on a different hospital sounds good, but why do I have to be the dead one this time?Simon: Because we're out of Bifodin. And the way you look, all you have to do is hold your breath to fool them.
MAL: Whu...wait, what're you guys looking at? Is there something behind me? Oh gorramit, there's a Reaver behind me isn't there? Gah, they always show up at the wrong time. Okay, let's shoot it...a lot! On three. One, Two...
Mal: Wash are you ok?Wash: (in pirate voice) arrrgggh!!! shit wrong movie...uuuhhhhh i'm a leaf on the wind?
Nathan Fillion auditions for a role in Shaun of the Dead 2.
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