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Badger: See right there? This certifies that this hat has been handed down through my family for the last ten generations.Jayne(OS): *snorts* Coulda toldja that just by lookin'.
Badger: Reynolds, your blackmarket beagles have... done... something, to my morning paper...
BADGER: Mal, can you read this for me? I, uh... well, you see, I, uh. Um. I don't really know how.
Badger: "Here's this weeks TV ratings list. See this? You WISH you had ratings like these."Mal (OS): "You got STABBED. Right there."Badger: "So?"
Badger (addressing Jayne): Says here if you can't read the small-ish word right under my finger, you'll have cancer, ya?*Jayne hesitant-like goes in for a closer look**Badger smashes it in his face*Jayne: Gorram, puddle 'a piss. I aughta-Badger *thinking
"Now I can see your WHOLE head... Now I can't see your chin... Now I can't see your mouth... Now I can ONLY see your eyes... Now I can only see your hair... And now I can't see you AT ALL.Wheeeeere's Jayne? Wheeeeeeere's Jayne?!THERE'S Jayne!!!!"
Badger: I just know the Alliance will find--Mal(OS): *BLAM*Badger: URK!Jayne(OS): Aww, I was gonna shoot 'im!
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