The SPECIAL caption...

vote for your favourite TWO!

Prostitute: "Shepherd, there's someone here to see you."Book: "Who?"Prostitute: "Mike Jones."
Book "Wha...? How did you know about my affinity for eating bugs?"Deb:BWAAAHHH!!
Book: Now River, this is what I like to call the "Bitch, please!" look. I usually save it for moment when people are questioning your obvious knowledge and they need a less than subtle clue.
BOOK: "These nails taste salty. Where did you get them?"Inara: "You don't want to know...Just keep bangin"
"What do you mean you don't remember Blood on the Badge? B.O.B. was on the best seller list for months!"
BOOK: You know there is another Hell reserved for people who fart in enclosed spaces?
Book didn't quite understand the girl's Vicars and Tarts joke.
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