Less poor, but with enough to keep flying...

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Jayne: It's a film, first word, one syllable...Zoe: He's flipping you the bird Jayne.
Mal (OS): "I've got a jar of dirt! I've got a jar of dirt! And guess what's inside it!"Jayne: "Gold? Sums? Properties of a valuable nature?"Zoe: "...dorks..."
Zoe (in her head): He better not say it...Jayne (to Yo-Saff-Bridge): You. Me. In my bunk. Now.
Jayne: "See... if you look at them scars, and take into account them hairs on his chest, it looks a bit like a bunny rabbit in a floral bonnet from this angle..."Zoe:(thinks to herself) 'suddenly charades ain't looking so boring...'
Jayne: "I'll give 20 credits to anyone who can identify what's on my finger by smell alone!"
Jayne: O RLY? Zoe: YA RLY!
JAYNE: Now listen up. If space is curved, that means The Black just wraps around and comes back, so the song's a little wrong, don'tcha think?
Jayne: "..and that's why ten percent of nuthin' is 42!"Zoe (thinking): "And the scary part is, the way he explained it, he's right !."
Jayne(in Kaylee's voice): I'm pointin' right at it.Zoe(thinking): Gorram, his impressions are good.
Zoe and Jayne froze upon seeing Simon walk into the dinning room wearing nothing but a thong, with a pair of handcuffs, and the words, "Kaylee was 'ere" painted in grease on his chest
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