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Post InfoTOPIC: Alright, y` b*****s.......
Posted By: Jeordie Jeorje

Posted On: Feb 25, 2004
Views: 263
Alright, y` b*****s.......

I`ve changed tack, (so to speak) and posted some music along with the usual one drawring at my yahoo ladies bottom art apreciation club (Can`t give the "addy" or this board will refuse to "open the pod bay doors", again......so to speak) -If you go to yahoo groups and look for "Jeorjeart" you might get there. -I warned you all, yes that was me who scrawled "i WiLL sINg AGaiN!" on the toilet wall, and now you`ve made me post some superheroine/catfight music (40 second long WAV files 657KBs), but will you LISTEN?!!,....no, you philistines, therefore I am now an embittered outcast living in the sewers under the Oprah (Winfrey), where I plan my dreadful music........er, revenge.

Posted By: alfonsothefan

Posted On: Feb 25, 2004
Views: 251
RE: Alright, y` b*****s.......

(How do I do this...nicely?!)

ah, JJ.


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Son, do you realize that you have now made several posts & I haven't a clue as to just what in the holy hell you're talking about????????????????????

I mean, no biggie.

(Dio, take the pipe away, slowly...
repeat...taking the pipe away.......


