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Post InfoTOPIC: I've been go to long.
Posted By: Dragonmaster

Posted On: Mar 26, 2004
Views: 1393
I've been go to long.

None of the canadates I have seen are Pres. material.

Everybody gets to wrapped up in the bashing and what side you are on.

The Pres. should not be paid or be rich to begin with. He/She should be tested to see if they are smart enuf to be Pres. I kinda feel like Annie on Star Wars (sorry for the bad example) If the current system can get the job done create a new one.

I'm not saying that we should hand over the country to one person, we just need to get the right people in office. It's not eazy to find people like that. But thats the point. There are countless Georges out there. And how many Clintons do you know? The red neck from Texas or the cheating husband? Thats what the people choose. The people don't know what they want.

I propose creating a new government to be over the whole world. We take the best policies of all nations and combine them. Leaving religion and current governments intact. Creating a central government composed of the Leaders of nations (not reps. like the UN) This governing body would have the power to curtele terrorist actions, since all leaders of all countries are in the fray none could deny access to their bourders by the Central Government Army. All countries would have a equal status and pull in the new government. The countries that refused to join would have blockades put on them until their people over-ran the current government and joined. Wars would be no more and we would have the funding and tec. ability to do what was needed. Instead of waiting for funds or approval. Things could be desided on the spot.

Sorry for making this so long. Give me replys. I have thought about this and will answer all your questions.

Posted By: Dragonmaster

Posted On: Mar 26, 2004
Views: 1391
RE: I've been go to long.

There is much more to this. I will soon have it all on my web-page. It will be up soon.

It's not quite ready yet so if you could wait for a bit.......

Posted By: Nik Ashmost

Posted On: Mar 26, 2004
Views: 1386
RE: I've been go to long.

So, you want a New World Order and Globalization.

Pipe dream man. Answer me this, from what country will the "leader" be? Or does every country get equal say? Kinda Like the U.N. What about countries that don't want to join this worlwide organization? Are they considered "enemies of the state"? Will there still be individual countries even? Or would you just do away with borders?

Posted By: tooksumgasex

Posted On: Mar 26, 2004
Views: 1381
RE: I've been go to long.

dragonmaster, you may have been gone for a while, but nobody cares. and check your spelling.

Posted By: your momma

Posted On: Mar 26, 2004
Views: 1375
RE: I've been go to long.

So a President shouldn't be paid, and he shouldn't be rich to begin with?? Where do I sign up??!! (I was being factitious....who the hell would want that job for no money? get real!! In fact, i dont think they get paid enough. 200K is nothing for that job.)

Oh, and your Star Wars argument was lame (if the current system doesnt work, then change it). Guess what, the Constitution allows for that! If it doesn't work, then people can change the constitution so it does! US citizens forget that WE, THE PEOPLE run this country. Your VOTE changes things. Too bad people dont vote (and the wrong people DO vote)!

Posted By: Beerliquor

Posted On: Mar 26, 2004
Views: 1366
RE: I've been go too long.

The idea of a world government gives me the could never work, for one, there is no way the religious stuff could stay the same, because that is such a factor of all the war in the world. Nice thought, fat chance...

Posted By: Meko

Posted On: Mar 26, 2004
Views: 1364
RE: I've been go to long.

A one-world government is definitely a stepping-stone to Armageddon!

Posted By: Harry Pillcrusher

Posted On: Mar 26, 2004
Views: 1361
RE: I've been go to long.

I think that Dragonmaster is on to something. If we got rid of nationalistic tendencies and focused more on benefiting people on a global scale the world would be a much better place. We probably wouldn't even need to have standing armies because the threat of foriegn invasion would be gone. At first there may be some resistance to such a different and new idea, but Dragonmaster's suggestion of the people over-running the oppositional governments is dynamite. People will stand up for this idea once they realize the benefits of an intelligent leadership. It almost reminds me of Plato's 'Republic' and the idea of a group of philosopher/kings. There are already a lot of similarities between people from different parts of the world. Maybe once this New World Order takes effect, all of the rotten people in the middle east will be able to leave their desert and they would probably be happier because they could grow food and not have so much sand everywhere. So, this should prove to all of you critics that Dragonmaster's idea has limitless potential. This guy has a real vision for the future and it's dissappointing to read about people with NO IDEAS trying to poke holes in his.

Posted By: Marvin the Martian

Posted On: Mar 26, 2004
Views: 1360
RE: I've been go to long.

I wish they do find intelligent life on another planet. This world needs something new to be prejudiced against. perhaps the beings of earth would all unite as one with the singular purpose of hating another life form. it would be a good thing for humainity!

Posted By: Meko

Posted On: Mar 26, 2004
Views: 1356
RE: I've been go to long.

Hilarious, a one world society that perpetuates it self on prejudice! Wait, how’s that any different than the one we have now? … oh yeah we would hate Martians!

Posted By: Aurora

Posted On: Mar 26, 2004
Views: 1349
RE: I've been go to long.

Drangonmaster, who would be "head" of the organization? Not necessarily who has more power than anyone else, but someone who works to make sure things run smoothly?

Secondly, what would happen in the event that half of the countries ganged up on another country? How could you stop them?
The problem I see with your idea is that in general people are inherently greedy and evil. Governments have been sloughing off public funds for eons, pushing their own agendas. If you introduce the guise that there will be no more wars, and countries disarmed, I guarantee that somewhere, in some remote location there will be a group that is sanctioned by countries, slowing growing in power until it can wreak havoc among our now "peaceful" world

Posted By: Harry Pillcrusher

Posted On: Mar 26, 2004
Views: 1347
RE: I've been go to long.

What is wrong with you Aurora? Can't you see that if all the countries of the world unite into one global nation then there would be no cause for wars, arms or even hate? It's so obvious. Maybe you tree-huggers up in Canada have been smoking too much reefer and can't see the solution that is plain as day in front of you. Get off of your war-mongering horse and concede that a one world government is the next logical step in the evolution of society. People of the future will regard all the previous wars in history books as primitive outlets for pent up aggression. I'm sure that if everybody was given the choice between a peaceful one world nation or a bunch of separate warring factions they would ultimately choose peace and unity. People just don't want to get hurt anymore and I am completely behind Dragonmaster's ideas and I would really like to corroborate with him to work the bugs out of his proposed system. We don't need haters like aurora to provoke us into fighting anymore. Oh, and who would run this global nation? Hopefully it will be people at the top of their respective fields of study such as economists, biologists and mathmeticians. Maybe even a few culinary artists!

Posted By: Aurora

Posted On: Mar 26, 2004
Views: 1343
RE: I've been go to long.

It is not I who as been smoking too much and must view life through a blue haze. You're overly optimistic thoughs will not help any discussion.

I am not sure if you are calling myself or my country "war-mongering" but let me assure you, you are greatly mistaken on both accounts.

I will however give you credit for your answer on who would be the "leader", I thought it was an intelligent response, however I still believe there would be some discontent if the people typically represented the western world.

Posted By: Meko

Posted On: Mar 26, 2004
Views: 1329
RE: I've been go to long.

Nothing like the fantasy of a Puke-topia. Come on seriously folks, this has been tried before (communism). I think the only way to achieve world peace or a violence free environment is to dope everyone on heroin.

Posted By: Dragonmaster

Posted On: Mar 27, 2004
Views: 1319
RE: I've been go to long.

Nik Ashmost,

There will be no leader. I think you need to read that again.


I have said in the past that I'm sorry about my spelling. That I blame on the school system, which would be a lot better under the new system.

not my momma,

"who the hell would want that job for no money?"
It shouldnt be a "job". You should want to do it to serve your people, not pad your pocket. "WE, THE PEOPLE run this country" No, people in office that are thinking about writing in raises for themselves are. Our vote only changes what those people chose to let us vote on. When was the last time you were invited to the senate to vote on meticade, or motorsycle hellmet laws? We don't get to chose those things. We pay people to do it for us. We vote once every 4 years on him. And half the people don't vote, so it's not even more than 50% of the people who chose him.


A change like that would give anybody the heebeegeebees. Religion could say the same becouse the ones causing war are the ones where leaders twist somthing that the Bible or the Koran says into somthing completly different. Like the King James version of the bible that most of us use. It's not the origonal bible. Things were taken out that at the time were considerd to extreme for the public to know about. Did you know that there are 4 books that were taken from the Bible?


The way things are now we arent to far from Armageddon. Think for yourself on this one. North Korea has a nuk. program. Who do they hate abuve all else? The US. Why do you think they are making them? If you are on the bottom there is only one way to get higher, take out some people abuve you.

Harry Pillcrusher,

Thanks, if not in my lifetime then in our kids lifetimes I belive that either this or somthing like what I am proposing will take effect. The UN has already shown itself to be in the way of peace. The reps. there have already shown themselves to be currupt. Technology will bring the people of the world together. Just think what it has done in the last 100 years. Planes are only 100 years old, that in its self has brought people together like nothing else has till PC came along. Remember the book, Around the World in 80 days? Think of taking that long or a 2 day trip. Going to London used to take months but now if you leave in the morning here in the US you can be there by evening. The internet is bringing us more together everyday. There are countless improvments that will take place over the next 50 years that will make it simply impossible for governments not to keep to themselves. It's not a small world like it was 100 years ago.

Marvin the Martian,
The existance of Aliens is next week.

Meko, ?

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