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Post InfoTOPIC: I believe that........
Posted By: Sammy

Posted On: May 5, 2004
Views: 556
I believe that........

Muslim relegion should be defined by what it really is. A hate group, pure and simple.

Muslim breed hates, every leader of Muslim faith teaches that everything is wrong. That you should hate Christians, Catholics, and everyother types of religious groups.

From bin laden, to Muhommad, to Malcolm X to Louis Farrahkan to Arafat to Hamas leaders. Etc, etc,

Muslim is a hate group as much Nazi was/still is a hate groups. Such as the Ku Klux Klan, was a hate groups. (ANd I am from the south, ask Cleo)

Everyone should realize this by now.Muslim love hate, because hate spreads quicker than love.


Posted By: alfonsothefan

Posted On: May 5, 2004
Views: 550
RE: Well Sammy, there's an answer for that too...

See, you will note that several posters here, just like the major media and most of AMERICAN academia don't really CARE about what you're bringing up. Their hatred is a one-way street. All the 'facts' in the world are trumped because the 'west' and our 'culture/values' are 'wrong-headed.'
Let's put it this way: In physics, there are three distinct ways to look at the result of any project or instrumentation. They are: 1) accuracy 2) precision 3) consistency. Many people get the three mixed up. In fact, while legion, for example, is the epitome of consistency and is pretty 'precise' in his condemnations, is he really 'accurate?' Of course not. Now, some could make a case that Dio appears to strive for accuracy, with a result that he and some others (Hutch comes to mind) appear to be less consistent.
Accuracy, of course, is, simply, verifiable truth or the attainment of one's goal, striped of all emotion and bs. To be precise seems the same but, alas, is not. One could 'precisely' 'miss the mark' by the same amount evey time.
Consistency simply means the person/thing keeps doing the same thing over and over, results/truth be damned.
When one differentiates between the critical difference of, say, the sad & disgusting but not life threatening incidences of the recent past with U.S. soldiers in Iraq and, say, the torture chambers of Saddam, the invasion of Kuwait, the suicide bombers in Palestine and the 9/11 incidents and one consistently concludes that the latter are immaterial to the former...well, that conclusion can be consistent all day but it is not, as any person of intelligence & sanity would conclude, very accurate.


Posted By: Tangler100

Posted On: May 5, 2004
Views: 543
Jesus !!! The Great Fonz better be made...

...Headmaster of the frickin' DIHQ University !!!

That was so good I think you made me a disciple !!!

I like those physics explanations.


Now, gettin' over to Sammy.

Sammy, you're startin' to over-generalize here, big-time.

Yeah, there's no doubt that radical Moslems have hijacked Islam, but don't go tarring and feathering ALL Moslems. There's also no doubt that there ARE Koranic statements and that many very prominent, outspoken Moslems say stuff that IS HIGHLY inflammatory and hateful towards non-Moslems, but don't think that THINKING Moslems (of which there are many) WHO KNOW BETTER can't really see past this and don't realize it.

You say you're from southern 'Murkinville.

How many Moslem people have you ever had a chance to MEET or PERSONALLY know, either in your community, state, or elsewhere in the U.S.A. ???

Have you EVER had the chance to talk to a Moslem religious leader (an Imam, or other Islamic-learned individual) during, say, an interfaith program or something like this ???

Have you ever attended any Moslem religious services at a mosque to see HOW they worship or WHAT they talk about ??? (Unlike MOST American or Canadian cities or towns where there's probably a church within walking distance of every corner, mosques are not all that numerous.)

If your answers to any of the above are "No", then you have to take stock not of what you think you know, but of what you probably don't.

Yes, you DO have in Islam an epidemic of hate by the radical extemists that is probably incurable. THEY are all better off dead than alive, just like all the Nazi's were (still are ?) better off dead than alive.

As the Great Fonz says: You just have to distinguish the former from the latter no matter WHAT the subject or case may be that you're talkin' about, because otherwise too many people confuse accuracy, precision, and consistency like peas in a pod.

One of the main sources of racism, prejudices, and bigotry come, not from people who ARE around the people in question, but from people who have NEVER met the people in question, and that's how hatred gets goin'.

Posted By: legion

Posted On: May 5, 2004
Views: 534
RE: You are in the Matrix - extract head from arse

My truths are all verifiable you posturing pillock. In fact, they are self evident, all but obvious for those with eyes to see. Just ask and I'll be happy to 'splain em in simpler language that even you might grasp.

Now then, for sure we would all be better off if we could eradicate all religion once and for all. In the Age of Reason it's time to consign all traditional superstition and mystical nonsense to the evolutionary trash bin along with the flat earth theory and the earth centric solar system.

Not just Muslims. All of them gotta go. Now. The nuclear age is upon us, humanity cannot afford to waste any more time on your frivilous warmongering.

Are all Muslims haters and terrorists?

Hardly. That is absurd. There are fringe-lunatic fundamentalist Muslims just like any other religious group. The Christian fundies had themselves a grand old time during the Dark Ages roasting witches and persecuting everyone who worshipped the wrong god. Thankfully they've calmed down recently.

Yet, Fonzie will agree with this obvious stereotype and actually believes that 1.5 billion people would like to kill him for nothing. Uh-huh.

The good ole boy "Nuke em all and let Gawd sort 'em out" philosophy of the halfwit playing banjo on the porch.

Posted By: Harry

Posted On: May 5, 2004
Views: 529
RE: I believe that........

Although "Sammy" is a brand new name to me (On Barb's Board and Here) I believe you are one of the regulars just posting under a different alias. Perhaps you don't even really mean what you are saying. Anyway I'll take your words as your true thoughts.

It is true that there are many hate groups like you listed...Islamic Extremists, Neo Nazis, White Supremecist etc. It's true that Islamic Extremists hate us (Americans), the thing is those who are Muslim and not extremists has also begun to hate us. in fact I don't know of any nation that love us anymore...do you? I guarantee you that Christian Nations of Europe also dislike us.

I don't think you have a clue that Turks (Almost all of them are Muslims) have large number of troops in Afghanistan and the Turkish General is the commander in chief of all coalition forces there. Many Turks who believed in and supported this war now also beginning to change their minds. Sooner or later we will have to Nuke not only Muslims but all the rest of the world.

Posted By: alfonsothefan

Posted On: May 5, 2004
Views: 528
RE: I believe that........

Well, lemmee 'splain somepin back at ya.
Forced atheism was fostered, promoted and well applied in the USSR from 1917 to 1989 and Albania and China and elsewhere with bad results.
Do try to impress upon me again how I'll be "better off" under a 'nutcase' like Bush than, say, oh...Pol Pot? Ol' PP was no "mystic", belee dat.

heading to Disney World

Posted By: alfonsothefan

Posted On: May 5, 2004
Views: 526
RE: Good Points, Harry...

I disagree with you that this may be a 'regular', but it isn't I, for one must disagree with the notion that Islam is a hate group or whatever. What I do agree with 'Sammy' on, however, is that we must confront Moslems with respect to their silence vis-a-vis these fringe goups and the hatred coming from various clerics. It's something akin to the silence of some 'Christians' in the American South during the civil rights movement.
My principal point, however, is that, if you have seen his writings from the beginning, leege (and several others) blame America first and come to conclusions that are of irrelevant extremes. To say, for example, that if we were all 'athiests' this would be a better world, well...Stalin, Mao, Castro, Pol Pot and Lenin have let me to believe that that just ain't exactly so. To argue that ALL religious people are somehow defective is no different than saying he or you should be religious or there's something 'wrong' with you. Absurd.
I agree that Turkey has been a good friend and ally and they are a good case in point that Israel is not the only "democracy" in the area.


Posted By: Harry

Posted On: May 5, 2004
Views: 521
RE: I believe that........

I disagree with you that this may be a 'regular', but it isn't I, for one must disagree with the notion that Islam is a hate group or whatever.

Atf., the reason I thought Sammy is a regular is not because of his ideology.

I've been on Barb's Board over 4 years and here since the beginning...I don't remember him posting anything in the past. I just didn't think he accidentaly came across this MB and this was his debut post...that's all.

My principal point, however, is that, if you have seen his writings from the beginning, leege (and several others) blame America first and come to conclusions that are of irrelevant extremes. To say, for example, that if we were all 'athiests' this would be a better world, well...Stalin, Mao, Castro, Pol Pot and Lenin have let me to believe that that just ain't exactly so. To argue that ALL religious people are somehow defective is no different than saying he or you should be religious or there's something 'wrong' with you. Absurd.

I agree 100% with that. Atheists, Islams, Jews, Christians, Buddhists and so on...can all be bad people. You can not force people to believe or not to believe something. Romans used to throw Christians to wild animals in Arenas, it didn't stop Christianity to expand globally.

It is proven that people who believe in religions feel better mentally and physically. The problem is that because there are so many different belief systems, sects etc., 'master manipulaters' take advantage and use one group against the other.

When we were at high school, we told our teacher that we could not believe how Hitler was able to make entire German Nation to believe in his crazy ideology. He said it was fairly easy then he did an experiment on us without letting us know. All he did was to divide us into A and B groups and create competition between us. Pretty soon we became rivals and then enemies. One kid bloodied my nose and I stabbed his thigh with my pencil (the tip broke in his flesh). Our teacher proved his point quite effectively-:)

Posted By: Tangler100

Posted On: May 5, 2004
Views: 520
In that case, start yer 'splaining, Lego.

Actually, some very good morals come FROM religion. They weren't "man- (er..., pardon..., I meant "people-) made". Prohibitions against murder are not, contrary to popular belief, self-evident or self-obvious. Likewise for prohibitions against theft, adultery, bearing false witness, etc. Not tryin' to preach here, but those prohibitions ALL come from organized religion.

Your point, Omniscient One, is, obviously, that in the "enlightened" Age of Reason, these standards of morality or behavior would be "discovered" withOUT organized religion, or, even despite its existing in the first place.

H m m m m m m m m m m m . . . . . . .

You think so ? ? ?

Well, in that case, we might as well say, e.g., that it's O.K. to execute someone for accidentally murdering someone else. For example, if you're doing any roofing work on your home, and the power tool accidentally slips out of your hands, falls over the roof, and drops on someone's head and kills him, aren't you REASONABLY guilty for not "reasoning" in advance to yourself: "Uh-oh, I should have put up a warning sign or fence to tell people to stay away from my home while working. Dummy me !!!. If I had only "REASONED" better in the first place and thought ahead, this crap would never have happened. Therefore, in the "Age of Reason", I'm STILL "reasonably" guilty and have to pay with my own life to avenge the murder I just committed, even though the death I caused was accidental." (BTW--Don't tell me that in the "Age of Reason" that "reasonable" people would then realize that, being an accident, they would "reasonably" arrive at the conclusion that your life be spared. That won't work; actually, if you think about it, that answer would backfire on you, big-time.) Seems your hypothesis of being able to "reasonably" deal with a situation like this is not so "reasonable", after all.

Go ahead, genius, I'm awaiting your 'splaining.

Furthermore, I'm still waiting to hear your Nobel award-winning answer to my previous scenario about how to contain or prevent a nation with a bad record of international harrassment and a verifiable program of WMD's from starting a war, esp. when all the Gubbermints of the surrounding nations have all the oil (or whatever natural resources you're talkin' about), 'Murkin democracy isn't a factor, and all the farktard economic, trade, and diplomatic sanctions haven't worked, either.

Let's see ...

Score so far: Lego--0 Home Team--2

So far you're 0 for 2. That means one more strike, and you've struck out, which is a damn good "reason" for benching you for the rest of the ballgame.

(So now's your chance, with all the fan build-up I've given you, to really put me in my place. C'mon, Lego, it's time for you to hit a Grand Slam--I know you can do it ! ! ! ! ! ! !)

;-) ;-) ;-) ;-) ;-) ;-) ;-)

Posted By: alfonsothefan

Posted On: May 5, 2004
Views: 515
RE: Correction, Harry...

Typo. LOL. Geez, I didn't realize I had said I DISagreed with you, but yes, I agree he is probably a regular and as I also said...tain't me.


Posted By: legion

Posted On: May 5, 2004
Views: 510
RE: I believe that........

Ah geez, you guys have got your heads buried so far up your own rectum no wonder you're in the Matrix.

This is like teaching the retarded.

Tongue Tangled, your 'morals' presume a 'god'.

Once we get rid of god, then where do 'morals' come from?
- The same place religion came from, we humans made it all up. Catching on yet? Morals, just like Religion, came the mind of man.

Why did we make it up?
Self interest. Same as everything else.

Elementary my dear dunderheads.

“It is the underpants that have been pulled over your eyes to blind you from the truth” - Morpheus

Posted By: Geordie George

Posted On: May 5, 2004
Views: 509

If you notice, "Sammy" is not bruised, has on a clean (TOO clean) T-shirt, and his prose is too static to be a real post. I believe he`s a fake, probably the CIA, or possibly Michael Moore trying to get rednecks to watch his new Disney documentary "Goofy, Now The Truth Can Be Told", about how the lovable, floppy-eared canine actually was a triggerman for the agency`s black ops in the 70`s.

Posted By: François Montepelier

Posted On: May 5, 2004
Views: 500

I am liking musch please Sammy who is very sexy woman who DIHQ is made about. Samantha Fox (Sammy) has silly views on Muslim religion but she is only model with small English brain so we men Ok to forgive here child views.

I like alfoso he speak all nice now and is good temeper person, is JSK still write here and will he want to kiss and do the sex wee with sexy Sammy the boxer glamaar girl.

Sammy you are still very sexy woman, what was it like to box another woman please?

François Montepelier

Posted By: Barney Fife

Posted On: May 5, 2004
Views: 494
RE: I believe that........

Hey Frances,
Are you really a Frenchman or are you bulls*itten us?
Seems to me your just another cowardly French cocksmoker who needs an asskicking.

Posted By: JSK

Posted On: May 5, 2004
Views: 483
RE: I believe that women should wrassle

Well just be like me and hate everyone!!!

T-100 20 years ago if you asked " do you know any muslums" most would say NO because none of them live here in America.
Today in this society every color, creed etc is simply everywhere.
I'm sure Sammy see's a towelhead or a black dude (converted to Muslum religion) everyday, just like us northern folk.
Doesn't mean he has to like them or bow down and kiss their asses. And, he doesn't have to talk nice about them if he doesn't want to. I think he's just generalizing the fact that he can't stand them!

Its true that in the past 30 years more violence goes on over there (in middle eastern countries) in the war sense.
I know in the past I'd always see " a bomb exploded in "where ever/Iraq" before and think nothing of it. Now its different because we're over there dealing with it.
We see it more and its drilled into our heads that Muslums are all evil just as they see we are.

Their association of their religion is not a violent one and I know many towel heads who are freinds of mine and are not violent people.
Like all religion its suppose to be peacefullness and some form of higher power looking on and judging you. Seeing killing and hate is "wrong" it goes beyond their religious beliefs and far beyond the meaning for which its based on. These are usually handful of persons. Sure if a million are dedicated to that faith it could mean a couple thousand are "bad", but again you can't point your finger at every single one
because of them.

But, with groups, religion or anything there is "misuse" of power. We see this all the time with priests raping little alter boys and girls and others stealing from the "church funds" or having affairs...etc.

Groups that attract only for the wrong type of purpose and gain their trust to gear them up to do unspeakable acts. Like fly a jet into a building or blow yourself up to kill others. Although they are of that faith it doesn't mean they practice that religion.

Infact, the US government is now looking more into the prison system because of the "muslum" faith!
Basically saying that seeing the prison system is vertually "unchecked" they fear they'll convert more into the "problem" types of religions. Basically the ones who are "affiliated" with terrorism. They fear they will poison them into thinking like a terrorist. The easiest to convert are those down and out. I guess prison is just that.

On any given day between 8-9 pm in most American cities if you drive for over an hour you'll pass by atleast 7 drunk people. These being people that shouldn't legally be driving because they are too S h i t faced!
Should we pull every car over now?

It would help save lives, but then again would be an inconvienance and basically impossible. Although you see them unless they are swerving you don't even know they are drunk.

Look at Muslum's like drunk people because they are there!!! Unless they are swerving just leave em alone : )~


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