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Posted By: alfonsothefan

Posted On: May 12, 2004
Views: 495
Rosa Parks II

Ah yes, just as Rosa Parks was told to "get to the back of the bus!" in 1955 in Birmingham, Alabama, so too are certain "groups" now being told that they are 'second class citizens.' Difference is, today we have no Rosa Parks, save for Christopher Hitchens and a few others who refuse to turn a deaf ear away from the duplicity of CBS, NBC, ABC, CNN, MSNBC and Fox.
Hey, we have seen the idiotic college pranks and rotten garbage from some of the American troops and civilians in Iraq. Now, I wanna see---


Oh yeah. I've seen the disgraceful pics; now, I wanna see the entire al-Qaeda... (oops, there's no al-Qaeda's in Iraq!) 'flick' with all of the grusome verbage: "God is Great!" Ha! As Fluffy told us, though, there is no al-Qaeda in Iraq. Must be one of them there 'mirages'...Since he's in tune with the self-flagellation squad @ al-Pinko HQ, maybe we can expect to hear condemnation against this loss of life by the counter culture nihilists -- saying crap like: "well, he asked for it!" Count on it. Blame the victim.

Oh, btw, I await apologies from the King of Jordan and all the other Moslem's over the beheading. Can you say "when hell freezes over?"

"But Fonz...can 1.3 billion Moslems be wrong?" You betcha. "But, maybe...perhaps...the showing of the beheading will be too graphic and not fit for family consumtion?!" You betcha and your point is??? "But, showing it will inflame again America and many westerners against Islam!" You betcha. "But, there are over a billion Moslems who wanna kill us now; do we kill every one of them?!" You betcha, if required.

End of story.

I sit at the back of the bus only cuz I prefer it

Posted By: Tangler100

Posted On: May 12, 2004
Views: 490
Hell of a trip for him to find employment.

Nobody accuse me here of showing favoritism.

;-) ;-) ;-) ;-) ;-)

Fonz, I suppose I hafta bench ya' and send ya' back into the 'Murkin dugout, just like Leege.

The beheading of Nicholas Berg (like other gross murders that might come down the pike by Al-Qaeda or non-Al-Qaeda Iraqi insurgents), as sick as it is, should NOT be so SURPRISING so as to have everybody say, "What a bunch of sub-humans !".



Outrage is plentiful, but apparently what you and everybody else needs to understand is your heat isn't scorching the people who need to be torched, and never will.

What you and all the shock-jocks on radio need to KNOW big-time is: This is PAR for the COURSE.



Ya' wanna see the video of Berg's decapitation ???

Ya' that desparate ???

Haven't ya' seen enough of chopped heads already in the movies on some 24-hr. cable channel or HBO or something ???

No ??? ... Fine, in that case, log onto the Web and you'll probably find a Website (Al-Queda-based-or-sympathetic; Al-Jazeera-based; foreign-based; or 'Murkin-based, whatever), and go SEE it.

If you wanna bring up all this Iraq/Al-Qaeda business from now on until 6-30-04, with all the battles, counter-battles, and graphic carnage that's inevitably gonna ensue, that's fine with me, but my point is that that's not gonna advance the pull-out date any faster nor cause the
b a s t a r d s any change of heart.

According to CNN, Berg was a civilian who first went to Iraq as part of a civilian contractor group to work on communication towers last Dec. He stayed there for approx. a couple of months and then LEFT. In March, he RETURNED to Iraq for more similar work but was UNABLE to find any. Although he stayed in constant contact with his family and was planning to LEAVE Iraq at the end of Mar., he apparently had to settle some personal and/or business-related matters with DOD prior to leaving (CNN reported he was picked up by Iraqi police and then transferred to 'Murkin authority.) After Apr. 9, apparently his family was no longer hearing from him. His capture no doubt had, or was soon, to take place.

Look it, ...

If you're lookin' for work that badly, isn't there ANY OTHER DAMN PLACE AT A TIME LIKE THIS TO FIND IT RATHER THAN GOIN' BACK TO IRAQ ??? ...

Maybe I can understand being there once, but, after LEAVING, even IF your employer says so, what in the hell is it so damn worth going BACK for ??? ...

(Just as INcensed as you are at this
b u l l s h i t, but level-headed enough to stick with the game plan without breakin' the bat at home plate--Tang)

Posted By: JSK

Posted On: May 12, 2004
Views: 485
RE: Rosa Parks II

Since when is a dog leash any worse than a knife getting stuck into your throat until your head comes off?

I'm sure this vid/clip will be floating around the internet (if it isn't already) on American sites. I know its on Islamic sites (them being the peaceful people they are)

I just don't get it. They can't look at what their people did and say for what its worth this is not ok! Instead they blindly don't care all because we are so very evil and now say its our fault and we had it coming?
Thinking like a terrorist.

At this point I want someone to say sorry ANYBODY. But, Fonz is right and they are looking past a death over torture of a few soldiers.

Would be real nice if we started doing that here to Islamic people now wouldn't it.

Oh and Fonz Rosa is sueing the rap band "Outkast" for using her name in a song.
We better watch out where we post the bitches name!


Posted By: Winnie the pooh

Posted On: May 12, 2004
Views: 484
First time for everything

Tongue Tangled's dick-sucker blurted:

The beheading of Nicholas Berg (like other gross murders that might come down the pike by Al-Qaeda or non-Al-Qaeda Iraqi insurgents), as sick as it is, should NOT be so SURPRISING so as to have everybody say, "What a bunch of sub-humans !".



It took long enough, but everyone here in the 100 Acre Wood was shocked and chagrined that Tongue Tangled finally made a great point. Considering all the nonsense this babbling blob of bewilderment has come up with through the years, it is quite an achievement.

These jagoffs at Al-Quaeda Enterprises are bloodthirsty butchers and just showed again that they will stop at nothing to display their savagery. They trumped the US showing of Iraqi's-in-underwear by slicing off an American's head. Nice job; they just gave us reason to pull out all the stops and crush the resistance for good. I hope we do keep American troops in Iraq for the forseeable future; that way we take the fight to the terrorists, and keep the B.S. off American shores. Plus, if Syria or Iran wants to sponsor any nonsense, we'll be right there to blow 'em up.

Put that in your pipe and smoke it!

Nicely done, T-Tangled!!


Posted By: legion

Posted On: May 12, 2004
Views: 478
RE: Rosa Parks II

How stupid thou art, let me count the ways.

Yes, it's so much more 'civilized' to roast women and children on the street with rockets fired from miles away by the Murkin army, or starve them slowly like you've been doing to Iraq for the last 12 years, or why don't you just "take off and nuke the entire site from space?..It's the only way to be sure!" (Ripley)

nuclear bombs = good
cutting throats = evil

Okay thanks, I think I got it now.

Posted By: Tangler100

Posted On: May 12, 2004
Views: 477
My No. 2 Fan's mental p i s s is at least ...

... on target.

It sure as hell is amazing, considering Winnie the Poop d i c k ' s mental incontinence is always causing him to gush his thoughts like streams of s h i t w a t e r on this board.

At least his farktard friggin' brain is wrapped in diapers, enabling him to control and aim his thought p i s s i n ' on target, (although that still means he's a red diaper-doper baby with a sore, chapped, red-ass rash on his head from all that constant brain p i s s i n '.)

Well, Winnie the Poop d i c k, at least I hafta say your showin' whose side you're on, and give ya' credit for takin' the right stand.

The only next accomplishment for you to do is send your supply of doper-diapers to the terrorists, so, when they're ready to give up, they have something white to make a surrender flag out of and wave.

(Just be sure and p i s s on 'em BEFORE you mail 'em. Don't worry about a color change from white to yellow, they'll still work.)

Posted By: Bear

Posted On: May 12, 2004
Views: 464
RE: Rosa Parks II

Frankly, the only thing that shocks me is that people are shocked. Of course, we have to be shocked, that gives us more resolve to continue our current policy. War is the business of murdering people, plain and simple. How can it be pretty? The atrocities committed during the winning of the west were equally graphic and barbaric; they just didn't make it to the evening news and the internet. And the irony about atrocities is that they tend to elicit the opposite of their intent. The intent is fear, but more often the result is heightened resolve.

When I heard about this atrocity the first thing I thought about was this young man's family. How sad to lose your son, and in such an awful manner. And don't foreget, we have animals here at home who do the same thing to fellow Americans. Creeps are creeps wherever they are.

What to do next? My guess is that the right wing talk show mouths will start demanding that we "nuke 'em." That will solve everything.

Posted By: alfonsothefan

Posted On: May 12, 2004
Views: 461
RE: Rosa Parks II

I'm kind of glad you mentioned that I'm "not reaching" the sh*t for brains or the USA apologists. And I never will, Tangler. Your point is???????

See, I DO see the world in a sort of 'black & white', with shades of differing hues here and there. I DO see good versus evil. You think some here would agree to that? If so, now who's being naive?

I guess what I've done is lay down the gauntlet. As Buchanan said in 1992, "there is a cultural war going on in America." If you agree with this or if you don't is immaterial. There IS a culture war and the point of the typical leftist here is to ask: "But a bomb will kill just as badly as a knife...", completely forgetting/overlooking the fact that the CONSTANT (killings) are accomplished by VARIABLES (taking 'incoming fire' and retaliation vs a brutal execution of a harmless civilian).
Fluffy cannot fathom the distinctions; pray tell, I hope you can.
No, I'm NOT surprised at this barbarism: I'm just asking rhetorically why there is no outrage by 'liberals' in America or by the so-called 'moderate Moslems'? Perhaps they have a hypocracy shrouded in duplicity wrapped in two-faced bullsh*t?!
That's all I'm saying...
Too, I'm asking this: Who's side are the libs and leftists on? When you attack me & mine, expect to get smacked back; that's not so much American as simple rational thinking for God's sake.
Belee dat...


Posted By: legion

Posted On: May 12, 2004
Views: 457
RE: Rosa Parks II

The Fonz knows his nuances.

The main thing is that we are blowing women and babies to pieces for the 'right' reasons, you see, because we are good and they are evil, and we worship the real god while they are pagan blasphemers following a false idol. Let us Onward Christian Soldiers go and smite them in the name of the lard they Gawd.

"He who joyfully marches to music in rank and file has already earned my contempt. He has been given a large brain by mistake, since for him the spinal cord would fully suffice. This disgrace to civilization should be done away with at once. Heroism at command, senseless brutality, deplorable love-of-country stance, how violently I hate all this, how despicable and ignoble war is; I would rather be torn to shreds than be a part of so base an action! It is my conviction that killing under the cloak of war is nothing but an act of murder." -- Albert Einstein

Posted By: alfonsothefan

Posted On: May 12, 2004
Views: 454
RE: Nuances

Why yes, I also decry the taking of all innocent life. I have spoken out about the jail-house hijinks and such. Look here, ignoramus, the allied armies are merly awaiting the 30th of June to turn over the power to the Iraqi people. There is a better life ahead for these people and since you idiots who laugh at innocents are doing all the laughing here (I have not) pertaining to deaths and killings, perhaps you can tell me why it is that you still don't get it: We were attacked on 9/11/01, we have fought and are fighting for the future of our civilization as we know it. Frankly, I don't give a good hot damn if Canada, Germany, Belgium and France all fall to the knuckle dragging, hating religious bigots of the mideast. I really don't. I also failed to understand why others here don't see instantaniously the evil of people like you, then it hit me: Harry said it best. He believes you are joking (only a moron could hate & behave as you do), that perhaps you don't really mean the things you've said about 9/11, about U.S. & allied troops dying and now, about the innocent young man so brutally slain by these nazi-Moslems. But you know what? I do. I believe that you are such an arrogent prick, such a self-absorbed phoney, that I believe you aren't joking. Making you all the more pitiful.


Posted By: JSK

Posted On: May 12, 2004
Views: 451
RE: Rosa Parks is II9

nuclear bombs = good
cutting throats = evil

No Leege it goes like this-

cutting throats=evil

This wasn't about any nuclear bombs you dummy. Infact, the Iraqi people know we're not going to bomb them with nukes.
This is an issue of what our military did to a select few prisoners that were in their military.
They think cutting off an innocent man's head (who got it only because he was American) was ok.
You seem to agree with it as well.
I simply disagree and for good reason
and will continue to do so .


Posted By: legion

Posted On: May 13, 2004
Views: 447
RE: Rosa Parks II

How are we going to "fall" to powerless people who live in caves on the other side of the world, and have nothing? Are the Vietnamese going to invade Canada again Fonz?

For the survival of civilization, huh? Oh please, biatch. These terrorist clowns are no threat - the only power they have over you is your own fear. What are the oods? Im more scared of getting hit by lightning, and the chances are greater than 'terrorism'.

Thank goodness and the real god that we have the United STates to protect us from the imagined evil of contrived enemies invented by the CIA.

But you be sure to keep checking under your bed for commies each night Fonz.
On guard for thee.

Posted By: JSK

Posted On: May 13, 2004
Views: 439
RE: Rosa Parks II

Never say never Leege.


Posted By: JSK

Posted On: May 13, 2004
Views: 424
RE: Rosa Parks sat in the back with Leege

I never said what comes around goes around. I would have thought you could have copied and pasted what I wrote so you'd get it right. I mean why not thats about all your good for.
But, I don't hate you for it. Especially knowing how you were raised-

http://www.rotten.com/library/medicine/bodily-functions/nursing/goat-suc kling/

JSK-voting for that ROCK!

Posted By: JSK

Posted On: May 13, 2004
Views: 350
RE: Rosa Parks II

DAM it see what you made me do doing it in a hurry fluffy!

http://www.rotten.com/library/medicine/bodily-functions/nursing/goat-suc kling/goat-suckle.jpg


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