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Posted By: Wizard®

Posted On: Sep 11, 2004
Views: 629
Happy September 11 !!!

Yes, it’s that time of year again. THE holy day of the New Cons. The day when we commemorate those 3000 martyrs who gave their lives so that conservatives could lay claim, copyright and trademark to the phrase “The World changed on 9-11.” The day when Dubya, after hearing that the country was under attack, remembered seeing the movie “Jurassic Park” and sat still so no terrorist dinosaurs would find him. The day when our brave President firmly took charge and told the populace to go shopping and to drive around in their SUVs so his buddies in the oil industry wouldn’t suffer a weak first quarter.

Though we may be treated to the ever-popular “Orange Alert”, it will be more like New Years on a cruise ship inside the White House. While the cameras will show that the week of practicing hand-wringing was time well spent, it will be nothing but high fives in the Oval Office. Who would have ever thought that the man who was handed a “gimme” from being drafted and then deserted would later, by accident of a 5-4 vote from the Supreme Court, be jokingly referred to as a War-time President? Somehow, I can’t help but wonder if Osama knew just how wonderful a gift was handed to his cause when Dubya was sworn into office.

Thanks to this day, so many people in this country were transformed from mouth-breathing fools into mouth-breathing wussies. Every plane, bird, tennis ball, horsefly, and falling leaf was a deadly weapon with their name on it. They had wet themselves so badly that they were willing to toss out all their Rights except the Second Amendment to the false promise that this would bring control back to their bladders.

Upon seeing just how gullible these people were, the White House seized the opportunity and told them that Iraq and Hussein were the cause of all terrorism. They were told how Saddam had so many weapons of mass destruction that from aerial photos they looked bigger than the Great Wall of China. They were shown how Iraq was so technologically advanced that they had developed a massive fleet of remote-controlled airplanes to deliver the biological and chemical agents to every part of the globe, including Santa’s workshop at the North Pole. They were told that Saddam was only hours, perhaps just minutes, away from having enough nuclear weapons to destroy the Universe.

And they were told that the fact that Saddam Hussein was a really bad man was NOT the reason they wanted to wage war on Iraq. Nope! Just saving the World for Jeebus and Halliburton!

Yes, boy and girls, the Neo Cons honor this festive day for the great gift that it was to their agenda. The public weaned on the philosophy of sound bites was easily placated by the empty assurance that they would be safe as long as the brave chicken hawks are in the White House. And the best part of all of this is that those who died in the Twin Towers are dead, and as such they cannot object to what perversions are being done in their memory.

Happy September 11 !!!

Let the festivities and slightly muffled snickering begin!

Posted By: JSK

Posted On: Sep 11, 2004
Views: 618
RE: Happy September 11 !!!

I just knew some idiot would come here and post it. You knew some idiot would reply.
Hmmmm its 9:11 pm I better run from my computer. Gotta go..... Happy 11th Wizzy.
And many more?


Posted By: Chris

Posted On: Sep 11, 2004
Views: 615
RE: Happy September 11 !!!

My $$ was on Lesion. Just shows to go you that there are plenty of dickheads in the USA and England. Congrats Wizbang, theres a popsicle right here for you to suck on.

Posted By: legion

Posted On: Sep 12, 2004
Views: 602
RE: Happy September 11 !!!

Teh, not much point in having a day of rememberance for something nobody forgot for even a second...in fact, we get reminded of it 24/7 every day of the year by every TV, radio, internet site, that does nothing but blab about Sept 11 non stop. It's pervasive.

I suggest we have a day of FORGETTING about the stupid thing, cause I'm sick of hearing about it.

Whaddayou want, another Hallmark card?
I don't see anybody declaring a national day of tragedy for the 20K Iraqis who just got murdered for no reason at all, and had nothing to do with Sept 11.
blah blah, Sept 11. Yes, we know. STFU already.

Posted By: JSK

Posted On: Sep 12, 2004
Views: 600
RE: Happy September 11 !!!

Its odd that people seem to be more ANGRY at America for Sept. 11th.
Sad people indeed.
Reasons we are reminded? Because terrorists have made several attacks to others since then. The second you forget is the second they'll get cha.
Just think about how long it took America to forget about the (1st) Sept 11th attack.
(Darn Brits!)

Happy 12th-

Posted By: Viking

Posted On: Sep 12, 2004
Views: 587
Happy September 13th !!!

[Yes, it’s that time of year again. THE holy day of the New Cons.]...Wizard®

Holy day? When?? Sept. 11th??? Naw Wizzy, that's back page material. The new Holy Day of the warpigs is tomorrow (Sept. 13th). Know why? 'Cause that's when Bubba's assault weapons ban expires! In the words of ATF, " WOOOOOYAH!!!"

[Its odd that people seem to be more ANGRY at America for Sept. 11th.
Sad people indeed.

No, no, JSK. You and Chris are going about this all wrong. You two should rethink your positions using the proper mindset. The mindset of the modern secular liberal, that is. Allow me to help:

I've developed this little exercise to aid you in seeing things more properly. Please follow along carefully.

Clinton awards Halliburton no-bid contract in Yugoslavia - That's good.

Bush awards Halliburton no-bid contract in Iraq - That's bad.

Clinton spends 77 billion on war in Serbia - Now that's a good thing.

Bush spends 87 billion in Iraq - Bad...very bad.

Clinton imposes regime change in Serbia - Oh yes, that's good!

Bush imposes regime change in Iraq - BOOO! HISSS!!

Clinton bombs Christian Serbs on behalf of Muslim Albanian terrorists - Hooray for Bubba!

Bush liberates 25 million from a genocidal dictator - Booo for Dubb!

Alrighty JSK, are you and Chris making any progress here? No?? Then continue on please.

Clinton commits felonies while in office - Good.

Bush lands on aircraft carrier in jumpsuit - Bad.

Clinton says mass graves in Serbia - Good.

Entire world says WMD in Iraq - Bad.

No mass graves found in Serbia - No biggie.

No WMD found Iraq - Dubb must hang!

Clinton refuses to take custody of Bin Laden - So what!

World Trade Centers fall under Bush - AAAARRRGH!

Clinton says Saddam has nukes - Oh yes!

Bush says Saddam has nukes - DAMN LIAR!!!

JSK, by now you and Chris should have adopted the proper mindset. But just in case, I'll throw in a few more...

Clinton calls for regime change in Iraq - Yes! Yes!!

Bush imposes regime change in Iraq - No! No!!

Terrorists train in Afghanistan under Clinton - Yeah? So?

Bush destroys training camps in Afghanistan - Why that no good so-and-so!

Milosevic not yet convicted - Big deal...

Saddam in custody - That damn Dubb! How dare him!!

Attention JSK and Chris: If you're still having problems attaining the proper frame of mind, try rereading the above exercise while wearing a Mao suit. If you don't have access to a Mao suit, and fluffy won't let you borrow his, you may substitute the Mao suit with some tye-dyes and flip-flops. Now get cracking!

Resident right-wing nut job and newly promoted,
Capt. Viking

Posted By: JSK

Posted On: Sep 12, 2004
Views: 583
RE: Happy September 13 !!!

First off Viking and anyone else that thinks 9/11 is a joke or something to make light about ...kindly F U CK OFF.
DID you get that?
Don't try to school me or talk down to me pal.

Don't give me the guff about Clinton knowing all and doing all. All he did was nothing to fight terrorism. We were hit in the early 90's up until the late 90's both while Clinton was in office. He did NOTHING about it then and only talks about it now. Talk is cheap just like the bitches he slept with and worried more about than his later half of his presidency.
I voted for the prick once ... does that make you any more happy?

I'm not saying Bush is doing everything good, but I find it hard to believe a guy like Kerry who DID fight in Nam only to later throw his medal's in the garbage to be able to brag about him FIGHTING for his country. Yes, he did, but so didn't others.
He went about it all wrong and later trys to use it for political media power?
F u ck him and f u ck his dumb **** wife of his. He has done nothing for MY state what makes me think he can do anything for the country?
Truthfully I don't feel safe with either in office and its likely it won't matter whos in office. If they wanna get us they will plain and simple.

And I will believe what I want and vote for whom I want. If I decide for some odd reason to go for Kerry (only because of his running mate) I will. If I wanna vote Bush back in I f-ing will. And theres not a damn thing anyone can do about it.
So blast a way and talk like the bunch of know it all bastards you are.
You know dick.

Just look at whos running for power? Maybe I'll go for Nadar? Why the **** not.
I believe that something should have been done in the middle east. Whos to know whats the best way to do so? Did Clinton do anything there while president?
If you answered no you are correct.
Did he combat terrorism and the ones building it? NO again.

So years later while the man skates off and we get attacked are we only suppose to blame the guy in charged 100%?
You can if you want. I won't. It happened on Clinton's watch but didn't have the impact 9/11 did so people quickly forget.

Good night and sorry for the foul language


Posted By: Viking

Posted On: Sep 13, 2004
Views: 576

[First off Viking and anyone else that thinks 9/11 is a joke or something to make light about ...kindly F U CK OFF.]...JSK

9/11 is a joke? Uh, when have I ever said that?

[Don't try to school me or talk down to me pal.]...JSK

What on Earth are you talking about? For the life of me I can't see how you misread my entire post. Nevertheless I'll try to interpret my post in a less facetious manner. I was NOT taking a swipe at you or Chris(I hope he didn't misunderstand). Instead I was taking a shot at our liberal friends, as I always do, by "borrowing" your post. I was facetiously "scolding" you for letting your good common sense get in the way thus preventing you from seeing world events in their "proper" pinkish-green glory. I posted a position/action held/taken by Bubba Clinton and praised by modern secular liberals then followed it with the exact or near exact same position/action that Dubb has held/taken which the liberals are now "somehow" rabidly against. I ended my little exercise by telling you and Chris that in the event your good common sense prevents you from still seeing things "fluffy's way" then try donning communist regalia(Mao suit, tye-dyes & flip-flops)and reread my post. I hope this clears things up. If not, just wait for the replies of our liberal colleagues. I'm sure they got it.

[Don't give me the guff about Clinton knowing all and doing all. All he did was nothing to fight terrorism. We were hit in the early 90's up until the late 90's both while Clinton was in office. He did NOTHING about it then and only talks about it now. Talk is cheap just like the bitches he slept with and worried more about than his later half of his presidency.]...JSK

You're preaching to the choir(me) here.

[I voted for the prick(Bubba) once ...]

You did WHAT??? I'll pretend I didn't hear that. Furthermore you'd better hope that Sgt. ATF doesn't find out about this either. If he does he'll have you doing pushups until there's a permanent imprint of your face on the parade grounds.

I suppose the reason you misunderstood my post was a LOOOOOONG weekend. I'm guessing you stumbled in Sunday morning at 04:45 like always. As your newly promoted platoon commander(that's a captain's job) I'm going to cut you some slack. Here...take this late slip. This will allow you to sleep in and skip the 06:00 reveille and subsequent 06:30 PT(physical training). And to show you there's no hard feelings...take this OM pass. This will allow you to take breakfest, whenever you wake up, over at the officer's mess instead of that dingy mess hall. Take my advice, skip the eggs and go straight for the pancakes. They're first rate. I hear they are made by 'Fessor's Scottish butler...a certain Mr. Bigglesworth. Oh well, carry on Corporal!

From the right and votin' for Dubb...again,
Capt. Viking

Posted By: Wizard®

Posted On: Sep 13, 2004
Views: 574
Too funny...

Watching someone realize the kind of fools he's sided with.

Posted By: Chris

Posted On: Sep 13, 2004
Views: 566
RE: Happy September 11 !!!

Oh yeah, like legion is a fountain of knowledge, eh, Sherlock.

Posted By: Geordie George

Posted On: Sep 13, 2004
Views: 560
RE: Happy September 11 !!!

Only by comparison.

Posted By: Wizard®

Posted On: Sep 13, 2004
Views: 550

We shouldn’t be so hard on JSK. It’s not his fault that he was confused by Viking’s typical “bait and switch” tactic. It is the most common ploy of the Neo Cons and Viking was hoping it would galvanize JSK and distract Chris from his pedophile fantasies.

Viking was hoping that in the absence of any rebuttal to my post, he could turn this into a debate on firearms.

Then he goes on with a laundry list of how similar the White House is under Dubya when compared to Clinton. I fail to see the logic here since Dubya campaigned last time how he would “bring honor and integrity back to the White House.” I’m not sure if Viking is saying that Dubya has failed miserably, or the Clinton White House had honor and integrity.

Posted By: Leftie Lurker

Posted On: Sep 13, 2004
Views: 541
Viking's post

Bait and switch and trying to cloud things with hazy half truths. Viking's long posts rarely make a whole lot of sense if you read them carefully. Comparing Iraq to Serbia is just plain stupid. Iraq is a lot worse and was a war that didn't have to be fought. We'll be there for a long time still and lose a lot more people. Weren't the actions in Serbia authorized by the UN? Serbia didn't turn a good part of the world against us like this Iraq business has! Iraq was no threat to us and things over there had actually calmed down and stabilized after years of previous unrest. We just went over there and turned things upside down. Now it's a big mess and worse than it's ever been. Why didn't Reagan help the Iraqis 25 years ago, Viking? Maybe because his guys were helping Saddam get weapons. It's all about trying to fight the right war at the right time. Has George Bush failed miserably? A net loss of jobs for the first time since Herbert Hoover, a war based on misinformation from a country that had nothing to do with 9/11, and the fact that a lot of the world now either hates us or is terrified of us. You tell me. Of course maybe for a war pig that's a glowing success. The lifting of the assault weapons ban means that maybe a few of Bush's redneck diehard supporters will waste each other before the election, if we're lucky!

Posted By: Roughage Clone

Posted On: Sep 13, 2004
Views: 529
RE: Happy September 11 !!!

Reagan didn't help the Iraqis 25 years ago because he wasn't the President yet! You overshot it a little, 20 years is more like it. Otherwise I agree with you and see where you're coming from Leftie. Iraqi is some f ucked up s hit. I wonder if Viking would feel the same way if he lost a relative over there. ROUGH-DIO 2004

Posted By: Wizard®

Posted On: Sep 13, 2004
Views: 525
You missed the point…

The great thing about being a Neo Con is that you get to lay claim to any dead martyr that is convenient. Every soldier killed in Iraq becomes part of the Neo Con extended family, like a son, a brother, daughter, third cousin, creepy uncle or what have you. That way words can be placed in their mouths, much like a ventriloquist’s dummy.

Yes, dead soldiers are a Neo Con's best friend since they can’t object to the way their memory is being desecrated for political and financial gain.

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