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Post InfoTOPIC: A Day in the Life of JSK
Posted By: Kent

Posted On: Oct 7, 2004
Views: 240
RE: A Day in the Life of JSK

Hey, Fluffy. In your version of a perfect world, what percentage of the population do you think should be able to do be "moochers" and what percentage should actually produce the money, goods, services, infrastructure, national security, etc? Who decides which people who are otherwise sound in mind and body get to be the moochers?

It's important to sort out these weighty details if a Legion Utopia is to be achieved. If not, we could theoretically end up with a whole world of moochers and no one to feed them. Tragic.

Posted By: legion

Posted On: Oct 8, 2004
Views: 228
RE: A Day in the Life of JSK

Most. Let the machines do it. Most people perform utterly useless tasks in their 'job' capacity, shuffling papers back and forth as part of some parasitic bureaucracy, so that a miniscule handful of people can get rich at the top of the capitalist pyramid scheme.

Who is John Galt?

Posted By: left handed

Posted On: Oct 18, 2004
Views: 200
RE: A Day in the Life of JSK

"our favorite 'Bitch' wrote..."

3) Now don't go and use some ANONYMOUS name like "left handed". WTF? It makes YOU seem like the bitch. Be a man...you can tell me who you really are. Don't be shy!

Jazus, Should I get a cool internet name like "ROUGH"? I don't have any desire to know you....and believe me...you don't want to know me, little rough.

4) It might help your argument a bit if you learned the difference between "then" and "than". It sort of makes you sound ignorant! Not related to a certain Jabroini are you?

Nah....little, Carolina, self proclaimed Roughie. Typical for you though, bitching about spelling, etc...

here's a few of your miscues in the last day...



..and that's only from reading just one of your long winded posts.

At least on this board, there's only a handful of people that visit..we all know and are aware of your "Woe is me, Woe, is the USA, posts.

Have at...find some spelling errors, and get the f u c k over it.

I think you and Legion would make great roomies.

And do everyone a favor.

Spare us the long reply.

I love my country, and served for 22 yrs. Believe me, I'm not looking for a pat on the back, but after reading your bitch posts, what have you done as far as serving? Are you a vet? Or are you currently working for the Gov?

Talk to me, son. I fought my ass off for mouthy guys to flap. Forgive me if I'm wrong, but yuo tend to whine, don't you think?

Good luck, bitch!

Posted By: atf

Posted On: Oct 18, 2004
Views: 197
RE: A Day in the Life of JSK

LH, couple of notes:
*Thx for your service. You spent 22 years, I spent 22 months hehehe
*FYI: Roughs father was killed in Vietnam. He speaks too often from the heart & possibly from his smaller head(hehe) but hes a pretty good guy and I like him.
No flames, just facts. Have a nice day.


Posted By: wiseguyly69

Posted On: Oct 18, 2004
Views: 194
Yeah, what ATF said

and you better check 'certainly'

Posted By: Rough

Posted On: Oct 19, 2004
Views: 188
No "long reply" necessary, leftie...

Not that I'd waste much time with an anonymous half wit such as yourself. Just laughing quite heartily at another one of your barely literate posts!

Tell me something...Are you left handed because your right hand is constantly shoved up your arse?

Thanks for the back up, Fonz!! But I'll have you know my head is every bit as large and impressive as my heart. And as for my....ahh, well..we just won't go there.


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