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Post InfoTOPIC: good looking stuff
Posted By: Nicole

Posted On: Nov 13, 2004
Views: 262
RE: good looking stuff

Actually no, care to enlighten me?

Posted By: TS

Posted On: Nov 13, 2004
Views: 259
RE: good looking stuff

I'll get hit...

Posted By: Nicole

Posted On: Nov 13, 2004
Views: 258
RE: good looking stuff

I promise I won't hurt you physically.

Posted By: TS

Posted On: Nov 14, 2004
Views: 257
RE: good looking stuff

you'll abuse me mentally though!

Posted By: Nicole

Posted On: Nov 15, 2004
Views: 255
RE: good looking stuff

Well I already know now, and mentally won't hurt you any. You're already screwed up from not having a new comp, remember?

Posted By: TS

Posted On: Nov 15, 2004
Views: 252
RE: good looking stuff

this is true... however my current computer will run HL2! I SO HAPPY!

Posted By: PB

Posted On: Nov 18, 2004
Views: 250
RE: good looking stuff


Posted By: Nicole

Posted On: Nov 18, 2004
Views: 249
RE: good looking stuff

TS: So you got it? Is it fun?

Posted By: Linda

Posted On: Nov 18, 2004
Views: 248
RE: good looking stuff

I agree. TELL US

Posted By: TS

Posted On: Nov 18, 2004
Views: 247
RE: good looking stuff

but i'm not wrong! it is fun! load times are a bitch, but it runs smoothly! yay! *does and dance and goes to play some more*

Posted By: Linda

Posted On: Nov 19, 2004
Views: 246
RE: good looking stuff

Tyler - You may not be wrong but you are evil! It's ok, I don't want to know anyway, hmph!

Posted By: PB

Posted On: Nov 19, 2004
Views: 245
RE: good looking stuff

I'm lost

Posted By: Danny U.

Posted On: Nov 19, 2004
Views: 244
RE: good looking stuff

As am I.

Posted By: Nicole

Posted On: Nov 20, 2004
Views: 243
RE: good looking stuff

He's talking about his game, Half-Life 2.

Posted By: TS

Posted On: Nov 20, 2004
Views: 242
RE: good looking stuff

I fail to see how i confused anyone... sorry about that. Yes i am talking about this new game, Half Life 2, which is fun fun fun! whee! despite the fact that my computer is crap by today's standards, i'm enjoying myself.

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