Posted By: JSK

Posted On: Oct 28, 2004
Views: 400



Posted By: atf

Posted On: Oct 28, 2004
Views: 398

Whattaya mean its about time.
Hell, the Brits change their nanny/daddy every 86 years, too!
Anyway, I was pulling for your boyz out here, killer. Funny thing, a Tempe Bar had a barroom full of New Englanders cheering their boys.
I told ya the curse thing was nothing. `Course, nobody listens to the Fonz...

in a congratulating mood

Posted By: Dionysus

Posted On: Oct 28, 2004
Views: 396

It's a good job I don't follow baseball any more. Or that info would have spoilt 12 hours worth of late night baseball recordings to watch later in the day.

Nice to heare the Red Sox finally got the Series. Did I miss a very good piece of entertainment?


Posted By: JSK

Posted On: Oct 28, 2004
Views: 392

Hey Fonz-
I didn't believe in any curse either ... just very bad luck. For one time in my life I actually thought we were NOT going to make it considering we were down 3 games to the Yankees. Especially seeing no other team has done that through out baseball history. I was a nervous wreck through out the 4 games we came back and won against the Yankees. My lack of fingernails prove it!

I was worried about St. Louis, but not as much as they Yanks. But, again I was ready for a letdown as usual ... so I thought. Its a new life here in Boston. People are actually smiling and not looking and feeling crummy like we normally would after a BIG GAME.

I had a few people over last night. I didn't venture into Beantown, but really didn't need to. After the win I immediatly went outside with some freinds to smoke a ...
and low and behold half my street was outside drinking beers celebrating. I could hear endless carhorns going off and people from other sides of town shouting. And to top it off a luner eclipse!!

Just think it was 18 years to the day last night we lost our last world series and 1918 since we last won the world series. The Gods were on our side for once.

Ofcourse now we have nothing to bitch about!

Dio ...
Pretend your favorite "Football" team (soccer) hadn't won in your grandfathers lifetime. But, have played in pleanty of championship games only to lose either unexpected or mysteriously when it was or should have been an easy win.
Imagine every stinkin time feeling the let down and seeing other fans laughing pointing and thinking your team was a joke.
Then have your losing team come back and win 4 games straight against an arch rival.(If they lost just one game they would be out of the series.) But your team won . Yes, most of the Sox Yankee's games went into the wee hours of the night, but I seriously haven't talked to anyone from around here who went to bed before they ended.
But it wouldn't end there. Now play a team who beat you in 1967 for a world series game.
We beat them down and swept them all four games and did it with authority!!!

I'm surprised I didn't cry last night. I did cry in 1986, but I was a bit younger.

Its a no brainer Sox fans would come here and post and thanks Dio for understanding.
Although it isn't your cup of team I know some team in your life is something like our Red Sox.
Actually, today I dove theee ... DIO DAY!!!
OCTOBER 28th the day after. Why shouldn't you Brits be involved in our celebration.And by all means you should be connected to a winning team!

A proud Boston Red Sox long time fan-

Posted By: Dionysus

Posted On: Oct 28, 2004
Views: 389

I actually prefer watching baseball to football (soccer) which I find incredibly tedious unless it is at an international level such as the World Cup or one of the Euro tournaments.

I'm fully versed in the Sox' 'curse' and have a reasonable understanding of The Boston Red Sox, Fenway Park and the ol' Green Monster and such and such. Hutch was going to take me up to watch a game when I was planning on visiting him in the USA before I became low on money after losing my job. I do really like the Boston Red Sox being what I perceived as one of the more traditional baseball teams of the MLB steeped in history. I was a big fan of Nomar Garcia Para and what's that pitcher's name from cuba??? Orlando Hernandez was it? I don't know if they are still playing for the Sox.

I was a Yankees fan back in the mid 90's when I was playing for two British baseball teams: The Barnsley Strikers and the Sheffield Steelers. I loved those 2 summers 94,95, before I packed it all in. We even played the Americans at a place called Menwith Hill (a high security US military base near Harrogate). We lost 32 - 7 for fecks sake, but it was fun and we got to play ten pin bowling, eat loads of burgers and drink a lot of cheap duty free Michelob afterwards. I also attended an MLB baseball clinic at the Bushey American University in London. I always remembered one particular ex MLB pitcher who was teaching us - Burt Bylevan, a very funny guy.

I love baseball, I should have watched this historical World Series at 1am to 5am here in the UK, the Sox finally winning the World Series, must have been brilliant.



Posted By: atf

Posted On: Oct 28, 2004
Views: 377

"I find soccer tedious"

Hell thats like saying one finds Kerry haughty and boring.

Nothing like stating the obvious, Sir.

Carry on...


Posted By: JSK

Posted On: Oct 28, 2004
Views: 373

Well I can name a few sports that are nothing but a snooze fest in my book as well. Watching golf,bowling and pool is just some of them. Ofcourse stick a beer in my hand and put me on a golf course, a bowling alley or a poolhall and suddenly its fun for me & I can get into it.

Yes, indeed Feild Marshal the Red Sox are America's real team. Now if only the Chicago Cubs could win a series the world might be a better place:)
(They too are long over due!)

Jerry H Dio lack of funds huh? Been there before myself. Actually, I'm there right now! I hope you meant you couldn' afford a flight and not a sale of a Sox ticket! If I knew you were around I would have gladly tossed ya a few bucks for one and even liquored you up @ the Caskinflagin(sp).
A popular Sox spot(Bar) I'm sure Wiseguy and Spence know of it. BTW- where the heck have those guys been? Especially WG!?!? We got to see some Sox magic last season.

And speaking of names ... You might be referring to one of our great pitchers Pedro

Dio writes
I was a Yankees fan back in the mid 90's when I was playing for two British baseball teams: The Barnsley Strikers and the Sheffield Steelers.

Well the key word is WAS. Although they are Boston's neighbors when it comes to sports we can't stand them! Maybe its how I was brought up. Noone in my family likes New York teams and Geeeez you should see how my buddies treat those with Yankee caps on :)
I once went to Yankee stadium with some friends and we were kicked out by the 6th inning. That was the first and last time I went there. Besides Fenway Park is where its all at anyways. More history and less glitz.
A darn ugly green wall they call a monster (you are correct Dio)and people who talk really funny compared to other Murkins!

If you ever get the chance Dio and want to see something magical check out the 4-7th game highlights of the Red Sox vs The Yankees of this past year.
I know its something you might wanna do or think about doing, but would be hard for you on the other side of the pond.
Over here I can just imagine them selling all the games on cd or dvd. All I can say is if your news or tele happens to be talking about them do keep it on.
You only need to see the final game of the world series. They were all similar anyways. Sox blowing them away in each and every one.

Thats great you played ball Dio. I loved the game and played quite a lot in High school and did very good. But, once I was outta school and headed to college I gave up the dream. Besides I wasn't a power hitter, but a great feilder. They are a dime a dozen around here and at the time I felt partying and picking up chicks was more important than sweating on a field wearing a dumb outfit. For some reason I think I was right!
Ofcourse there were leagues (mostly softball) for dudes in my area mostly supported by merchants/stores/companies but I never had the time to play. Besides that was just another excuse to get plastered drunk for them!!! I never needed an excuse.

And finally sorry to hear about your lose to the Murkins. You gotta figure most of those guys were playing with each other for quite some time and more so than your team did.
But, if you guys won it would have been something like the Red Sox of this week!
The main thing is always to have fun and glad you did.
Now I hope you stick to either coaching or being an umpire? Ok, just be like me a heckler in the stands!

And Fonz ... did you notice how a month ago John Kerry didn't know any of the players for the Sox, but this week was a HUGE fan of them?
I'd bet if the Yankee's won he would have jumped on their band wagon.
Well atleast Curt Shilling told Kerry what was up. "Vote for Bush!"
Tehehe ... I'm sure more would listen to a man like that than someone like Ben Aflick
any day.

Take care Boyz-
1918-2004 RIP

Posted By: Zip the Tiny Wonder

Posted On: Oct 28, 2004
Views: 369
It is a goddamned MIRACLE, for sure!

What a fine and wonderful time for BOSTON and the SOX! I bask naked in all the fervor!! Kudos and congratulations! Finally you go from being losers to big winners and it's about damn time. Maybe the people of Boston can at least have this to look forward to every eight decades or so. I've had a plethora of health problems lately and this big World Series win was able to truly LIFT MY WEE SPIRITS! And DO NOT underestimate curses JSK and atf, for Christ's sake!! I am a true believer in ALL CURSES, especially the Romanian kind! SO TAKE THAT BABE RUTH..YOU SON OF A BITCH! I hope you're roasting real good in Hell for all the misery you have wrought on all the millions of fine Bostonians these last 86 years! The "Big Bambino" really did SMITE them, huh? Fat bastard.

The election is VERY SOON and I can't wait to vote for BUSH! He is for big business and that's swell! It's AOK with Zip! Bush is TOPS because he has Jesus (Zip's personal Lord and Savior) on his side!!! He goes after evildoers and folks like that. I would vote for Jesus if he were alive today and I reckon Bush is the next best thing. Bush has made mistakes but no one is perfect. Kerry is just too smart for America. We need an "average Joe". Hell, Bush is like my neighbor Hank who lives at the other end of my trailer park (he even looks like him..wish I could post a picture of Hank). Old Hank has a few beers and starts ranting and slurring about the Democrats just like Bush does! Then he passes slam out. I wish Hank could run for something. I sure would vote for him. You should hear his ideas about health care, Iraq and how to deal with the cat overpopulation. He tells me he's a "hemp farmer" but I haven't figured out exactly what that is(??) Plus, he has no farm tools around....and the only HO is his daughter, Peaches. Ironically, Peaches looks like one of the Bush twins! The fat one.


Posted By: Doug

Posted On: Oct 29, 2004
Views: 358
Man, that just TOTALY SUCKED!!!!!

Rough, don't you have anything better to do, like a job or something? I'm not one to complain too much but ****, this zipper crap is about as lame as Christopher Reeve. I mean DAMN, just read that crap. I can't believe that you are still making these STUPID zipper posts. Come to think of it, I can't imagine why ANYONE with half a brain would waste their time like that. Look Rough, I really don't have anything against you, so PLEASE take my advice. Humor and creative writing are NOT your strong suits. Stick with what you do best. Like posting your looney left wing ideas and getting roasted by the rest of the group. Now THAT'S ENTERTAINMENT!

Posted By: Rough

Posted On: Oct 29, 2004
Views: 345
Making fun of deceased paraplegics??

Well that's clearly comic gold there Dougie! I always think its funny how you ALWAYS seem to mysteriously appear not too long after this Zippy the dwarf does. Makes me go Hmmmmmmmmmm....I actually like the Zip persona better. Oh, do him again!!

"Looney left"? Why's that? Becasue I dare to criticize the grossly incompetent, self righteous Dubya Administration. Oh yeah! I'm sure way out there, now aren't I? Me and roughly half of the US and rest of the world pretty much! It goes without saying, people who now still think that invading Iraq was a real bright idea are the looney ones. Perhaps you haven't caught the news or read a paper lately. I said it was going to be a disaster before the thing even started and have been proven right time and time again. The right wingnuts are in total denial and its really pretty pathetic. Looney, huh? Get a clue and wise up, Dougie!

Now insofar as Dubya...I can accept self righteousness as a character flaw and even some degree of inherent incompetence, but the combination of those two traits really, REALLY rubs yours truly the wrong way. That smug, baffled look on Bushie's all the time, like he's thinking, "What don't you s hitheads get about what I'm doing??"


Posted By: Rough

Posted On: Oct 29, 2004
Views: 342
Oh, and almost forgot....

Congrats to the Sox! I know Killah is a happy boy!


Posted By: JSK

Posted On: Oct 30, 2004
Views: 325

That I am Roughy!Thanks bud.
Zipppy always good to see you back here.
Gotta run, walk ... do somethin else right now.


Posted By: Josh (Rough fan)

Posted On: Oct 31, 2004
Views: 317
Ignore the ignorant

Go, go Roughster! If Doug would bother to READ your posts he would realize you're one of the brightest guys here, as Dio has pointed out. I would ignore idiots like Dougie. They're not worth your time!!

Posted By: JSK

Posted On: Oct 31, 2004
Views: 306
RE: Long live Zip

Yeah Doug ... what he said:)
If Roughy is the creator of the one and only Zipster than he is simply a genious.
Nothing like a good bit of humor and Zip never does it at anyones expense.
I'll give you one week to make up a funnier character Doug and if not Zip might have a cousin pop in!!!!!!


