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Posted By: Jeffery Harbourn

Posted On: Jul 27, 2006
Views: 1517
Away from home

Dear Memphis Democrate,

My name is jeffery harbourn and as alot of you know i am in the marine corps stationed in yuma arizona. i just wanted to say that i appreciate all of what you guys do because i can get on the internet to get the up to date information from back home. so thanks for all that you do.

Posted By: Marilyn Rhodes/Wood

Posted On: Nov 25, 2004
Views: 1839
local newspaper

I am very glad that memphis democrat is online.I enjoy reading the news and obituary's.I graduated from highschool in Gorin in 1972.I gained experience in nursing at Scotland County Memorial Hospital for 13 years.

I have been out of Missouri for 20 years now and live in Louisiana.

Thanks for keeping this website and keeping me informed of memphis news.Keep up the good work.


Posted By: Sarah Addison

Posted On: Sep 9, 2004
Views: 1907
Thank You

I am writing to say thanks for this website. I grew up in Memphis and now I am serving over seas in Iraq. It's good to be able to read about things going on back home. To some this website may not seem like much but to those far away it is greatly appreciated. Thanks again and God Bless.

Posted By: not important

Posted On: Aug 12, 2004
Views: 1935

The website really sucks, the only thing you can read is the front page news. You should put more...such as AAA cause that is the only interesting part of the entire Memphis Democrat. Also Chris your pictures really suck and they have for years, you should really learn how to take a decent picture.

Posted By: Tim Lancaster

Posted On: Jul 30, 2004
Views: 1949
The View From Afar

Those of us who left our roots for uncharted adventures, enjoy the ability to drop-in and see what's going on in Memphis. Your Internet presence is much enjoyed by this Scotland County native.

I have ties dating back to the Forsythe family when they owned the paper. On occasion, when Burk was in college, I would assume the task of wreck photographer (such a glamorous title.) I spent many nights above the office working photos in the darkroom with a good friend of mine.

Your web site is simple, but accomplishes your goal. However, there are opportunities to expand your horizon, by bringing in local businesses and integrating them into your site.

Memphis is a great place to start a family, it hasn't lost it's small-town, quaint personality. Cherish what you have.

Warm Regards from Florida,

Tim Lancaster

Posted By: jews rule

Posted On: May 12, 2004
Views: 2028
jews are the best

jews are the best in the world, you are an ugly man

Posted By: Phillip M. Luckenhoff

Posted On: Mar 17, 2004
Views: 2066

i hate jew, email me about it

Posted By: Visseroth

Posted On: Feb 5, 2004
Views: 2071
Democrat Poll

All I have to say is Read the Bible! Republicans are wrong but not as wrong as Democrats! You want rules and regulations that will save the people read the bible. It's held steadfast for centuries for a reason!

Posted By: Loren Pence

Posted On: Nov 14, 2003
Views: 2094
the Memphis Democrat

I am sending this message to let you know how much I enjoy reading the Democrat on-line. Having worked in Memphis in the past; your site helps keep me up to date on what's going on your community and keeps me entertained with Chris' editorials. I would very much like to see the business ads on-line to keep up with the different businesses in Memphis. You have a lovely town and should be proud of such quality publication that does get utilized by out-of-the area folks. Thank you and keep up the good work. Tell Wanda hello for me.

Loren Pence

Posted By: David

Posted On: Jun 11, 2003
Views: 2128
A great little town

Thank you for posting the Memphis Democrat online. I think you should run the ads for two reasons: 1) your advertisers deserve the additional coverage they would receive and 2)for those of us no longer living in Memphis, some of the ads can be pretty interesting and entertaining.
Again, I'm very impressed not only with the online version of the Democrat, but with some of the fine aspects Memphis offers in general. For a small town, it has a lot to offer: an excellent museum, a theater that equals those of larger towns, auto racing, a nice golf course, a radio station, and a nice shopping area both downtown and out on the highway.
My kids love to come to Memphis -- not just to see Granny and Granddad, but also to experience the freedom of small-town life.



Posted By: James Parker

Posted On: Mar 6, 2003
Views: 2148
Depends on where ya'been

Obviously the folks commenting from afar have shaded their views with nostalgia. But ain't that what we all want. That Mayberry in milk and honey. Sure the reality of "nowhere'sville" bites sometimes when you're a kid or broke or both. Been there.."back-in-the-day" Kyle would say. So returning to Mayberry has been striking if only for the harmony of those who "enjoy" it everyday and the poor souls longing for the smell of liliacs on Memorial Day. Thank you Chris(and allthe rest), you make people smile clear over in "somewhere'sville". I've been there too. I remember combing through piles of papers my mother and mother-in-law had saved for our mutual enjoyment. I miss Wayne Wolfe's Wayward Pen?.

Posted By: Richard Patterson

Posted On: Feb 9, 2003
Views: 2154
keeping up

I was raised in the Memphis area. Your on live news paper helps me stay in contact with what is going on in the old home town. Keep up the good work and Hello to anyone that remembers the Patterson boys.

Posted By: Peggy Jordan

Posted On: Jan 13, 2003
Views: 2129
Looking for lost family members

I was told about your on-line paper by a cousin. To me, it was a God sent. I live so far away, it is impossible to check on possible family members who may have passed on. For that reason, I love the fact you have the local obit's on the computer. Thank you very much for doing such a great job. I also, enjoy reading some of the stories, it reminds me of my childhood.

Posted By: Zella Thoenen

Posted On: Dec 13, 2002
Views: 2123
Fine online newspaper!

I think the online publication of The Memphis Democrat is wonderful. I've viewed other small community newspapers online, and in comparison to one or two of those, your web site is fantastic. I'm a graduate from the Scotland County R-1 High School and my parents as well as other family members reside in Scotland County. it's nice to be able to keep up-to-date on the county happenings.

Happy Holidays!

Posted By: Lou

Posted On: Nov 6, 2002
Views: 2131

Way to go Tigers, keep it up. We are all watching and enjoying the wins. Kick Knox!

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