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Posted By: vanessa

Posted On: Jun 13, 2006
Views: 608
RE: tofu

deep down you know that if you thought about it, you wouldn't want those animals going through what they were going through. you've just built a wall of denial out of the convenience of not having to worry about it. I want to see how many of you can look into a cows eyes, pet it, then put a bullet in its head and cut it up for your steak.

Posted By: 797576

Posted On: Jun 13, 2006
Views: 604
RE: tofu

Don't kid yourself. You are the one in denial pretending you are living such a death-free life. Next time you are eating your greens, just picture all the little animals getting mashed up in the farm equipment spilling their blood so you can pretend to be living such a holy life.

BTW, I have shot and butchered animals so, yes I could do it.

Posted By: vanessa

Posted On: Jun 13, 2006
Views: 602
RE: tofu

You don't understand. I'm against the combine thing chopping up animals too. I basically try my best to be conscious of where my food comes from - organic farms, farms with higher ethical standards, etc. I also try to stick with local products - it takes a lot of fuel to import items across oceans, which is inefficient and unnecessary in most cases. No one's perfect and we're all stuck in this economic web where one thing affects another but you have to start somewhere.

As for you slaughtering animals, I cannot help you with your redneck mentality so good luck with that.

Posted By: observant

Posted On: Jun 14, 2006
Views: 599
RE: tofu

I grew up on a farm and have butchered cows, pigs, and chickens.
It's food, I had no problem doing it at all.
It isn't mean either. Our animals roamed freely about the farm and when it came time to butcher them, the chickens heads were chopped off with machete and the cows and pigs got a single 22 caliber bullet to the brain. None of them were tortured.

Posted By: 810928

Posted On: Jun 14, 2006
Views: 597
RE: tofu

Ingorance is bliss so that must make you one of the happiest people on the planet. The thing you dont seem to understand is it is fine if you want to eat organic products grown 1 block from your house but that opinion ends with you. If someone else wants to eat big slabs of meat then they have just as much right without you and your ilk pitching a fit. Odds are you live in a free country, meat is a legal product, and you are in the monority. Freedom doesn't mean everyone lives by your moral code. Even if you could get everyone to follow your plan, there isn't enough farmland to come close to feeding everyone on this planet.

As for your self-centered attitude and your close-minded prejudice towards anyone tat doesn't think like you, I can't help that you with your need to make people fit into your set ways of viewing the world so good luck with that.

Posted By: vanessa

Posted On: Jun 14, 2006
Views: 590
RE: tofu

What a sheep. You think because something is legal, it must be ethical. You're the same person that would have argued for slavery 300 years ago just because everyone else was for it and it was benefitting you in some way. I'd like to think we are a progressive society but it's difficult to argue with a reactionary such as yourself. You are likely to push in the opposite direction just out of spite when someone presents a new idea to you.

Why don't you go eat a dog burger? Oh, it's illegal? ...and you happen to find it unethical? How convenient for you. I guess that fits nicely into your template which you refer to as freedom.

Posted By: 535724

Posted On: Jun 14, 2006
Views: 586
RE: RE: tofu

There you go again trying to fit anything you don't like into a neat little one word definition. Way to miss the point. I eat meat because I like it. I do not eat meat because of the masses. The meat to slavery connection may be the most convoluted argument ever made. There is absolutely no parallel to meat and slavery but I guess when you don't have an argument you make one up out of an issue so extreme how could anyone disagree with you. It doesn't surprise me though coming from someone so clueless about what happens in the real world. My point has always been eat what you want and then shut the **** up. Who the hell do you think you are to tell people that what they eat is right or wrong? The problem with you is not what you consume but your self-righteous attitude that what you believe is the only way to be so everyone else should do what you do or else they are beneath you. Again, who the **** do you think you are? You are not important. You are not special. You are not some messiah sent down from the heavens to save poor us.

I don't know where you get the idea that this is a progressive society but you clearly know nothing about history. Regardless, there is nothing progressive about switching to a vegetarian lifestyle. The most amusing part is seeing how you view yourself as enlightened and in all actuality you are just a close-minded elitist that needs to pigeon-hole life into neat little compartments to feel good. If someone disagrees with you and doesn't see things your way they are reactionary. If someone eats meat they are a coward for not killing the animal themselves. If someone kills an animal they are a redneck. If someone is part of the majority they are sheep. You are one to talk about things conveniently fitting into templates.

No, I don't eat dog. I also don't eat grasshoppers or eel. I find them unappetizing. As far as I know eating dog is not illegal in the US and I know for a fact it is eaten commonly in other countries. Are you saying the Asian countries that eat these items are unethical? Are you saying the world should be following your set of ethics?

Posted By: Idaho

Posted On: Jun 14, 2006
Views: 572
RE: tofu

The dog question spurred my interest so I went to check it out and it's not illegal to eat dog here. Isn't that great? SPCA, here I come! Just in time for the 4th of July, too.

Posted By: nebraska

Posted On: Jun 14, 2006
Views: 570
RE: tofu

please don't cloud her argument with facts.

Posted By: Cory

Posted On: Jun 14, 2006
Views: 567
RE: tofu

I still want to hear the reason that it's ok for animals to eat other animals but not people...

Posted By: Cory

Posted On: Jun 14, 2006
Views: 565
RE: tofu was poorly worded. I meant I wanna know why it's ok for animals to eat animals but not ok for people to eat animals...

Posted By: vanessa

Posted On: Jun 14, 2006
Views: 561
RE: RE: tofu

You wouldn't understand the meat/slavery argument because you lack compassion. Look it up in the dictionary and do a little self-reflecting, perhaps whilst sitting next to a pond or inside a slaughter house with a spike aimed at your neck. Your argument goes out in so many random directions, can you just summarize your point next time by saying "I like meat so shut up" like a dumb prick? That's really all you've said anyway. If I am guilty of pigeon holing then you are guilty of rambling.

Clueless? I guarantee you I know more about the global economy than you do. I know where my food comes from, and many of the products I buy. I never claimed to be special or important. I only strive for a higher ethical standard and encourage others to do so. And yes, that includes Asian cultures in which dogs are eaten.

We no longer need meat as a protein source, it served it's purpose during the ice age but we are far beyond that now and should move on. And I'm not a vegetarian, I'm a vegan. Big difference, but you wouldn't know that, I'm sure.

Posted By: observant

Posted On: Jun 14, 2006
Views: 557
RE: tofu

My mom says all vegans go to hell.

Oh, and slavery was only abolished in 1865. (that would be about 141 years ago, not 300)

Posted By: 516807

Posted On: Jun 15, 2006
Views: 550
RE: tofu

observant, she doesn't actually know what she is talking about so the fact that she is off 159 years will have little effect. Considering how many are terrorists, your mom may be right.

There is no meat/slavery comparison because one doesn't exist. They are unrelated in any way. That is equal to me stating that Hitler was a vegetarian so anyone that doesn't eat meat probably is a member of the Nazi party.

There are so many things that are wrong about your statements it is impossible to sum them up into a single nice black and white sentence for you to understand. If you see that as rambling, there is nothing I can really do for you. One can only dumb this stuff down so much and I really don't think I can bring it to your level. And honestly, you are only interested in pushing your agenda and don't really care about anything that contradicts that. You have your set responses, devoid of any intellect, that you rattle off like a telemarketer reading a script. You are correct, everyone else is wrong and the sooner people accept that the better, right?

Yes, Clueless fits you well. You shouldn't make guarantees you can't keep. You don't know a hell of a lot about much. You know where the products you buy come from, even the ones that don't say 'made in China' on the side. How good for you. That must make you an expert on world economics. You have clearly shown that you consider yourself special and above the masses. Your very next statement proves it. You assume that your higher ethical standard is correct and everyone needs to be encouraged to rise to your level. At no point has it ever entered mind that maybe other people’s beliefs may also be valid and you should live your life and they live theirs and that maybe, just maybe, it may not be right to go around pushing your morals on others.

The last ice age? That is one of those profoundly stupid statements that you have to read over a couple of times just to make sure you read it right. There really is no response to a statement like that. It would take weeks to point out all the flaws to that one. This one knocks your credibility into the negative numbers.

I am quite aware of the differences between a vegetarian and their more fanatical cousin the vegan. I also know that vegans find it offensive to be called vegetarians. So again, we have another thing you are sure you know, but really you were completely wrong about again. I have lost count but I know there have been an awful lot of them.

Since you have so much trouble with multiple sentences and ideas that can't be squished into your tiny little world, I'll finish with one main point. You are a rotten person. Let me be clear on this. You are not a rotten person because you don't eat meat. You are a rotten person because of your pompous self-righteous attitude that you are correct and anyone not listening to your proclamations that their lifestyle is wrong is a Neanderthal that needs to be saved. We are all just sheep and rednecks until we join the .9% that have it all figured out. You call others close-minded for not listening to you when in fact you are the one keeping everything out but your own agenda. If someone else tells you to stop preaching they are the prick. Nobody is telling you to eat meat. You are the one coming here telling everyone else what they need to do. Eating meat does not make someone bad and clearly, as you have shown, being a vegan does not make someone good. You want to tell people to self-reflect? How about you start with yourself and think about the waste of flesh you have become. So many people join these lost causes as distractions. While they are spending their life trying to changing others, they don't have deal with the miserable disaster their own lives have become. Now, just to reiterate, since you have been a bit slow following along, even if you ate 10 Big Macs a day you would still be a terrible person.

BTW, I stopped in the middle of writing this to take some photos of a deer walking in my yard. See if you will get a migraine trying to figure out how to pigeon-hole that one.

Posted By: meatitarian

Posted On: Jun 15, 2006
Views: 537
RE: tofu

I'm a meatitarian...I believe in vegetable rights and therefore believe people should stop eating vegetables and only eat meat! Thousands of vegetables daily are ripped from their home in the precious soil and diced into pieces just to satisfy peoples can people be so cruel?!

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