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Posted By: Rebecca

Posted On: Dec 7, 2011
Views: 2127
What I think.

Out of those 13, here's what I think:

Belgium - Because of Femke's dress.

Georgia - I don't get it... the first time that the Georgian Republic won JESC was in 2008, and 2011 is now their second win?!

Latvia - Her dress, her voice, everything...

FYR Macedonia - Some people think that Dorijan is a sweetheart of only 14 years old, but I swear that I disagree.

Armenia - At least 5th for them this year isn't so bad.

Belarus - I'm sure 3rd place can't be bad.

Posted By: irina

Posted On: Dec 1, 2011
Views: 2174
my top


Posted By: vanessa

Posted On: Nov 21, 2011
Views: 2496
JESC 2011

LATVIA RULES!!! Very,very beautiful and sweet song.I love it.

Posted By: zanux

Posted On: Nov 21, 2011
Views: 2497
Junior 2011

The Netherlands are the best.. i hope it win.

Posted By: Ken

Posted On: Nov 13, 2011
Views: 3144

I hoped the same for Macedonia, but now te suddenly change genre I dont hope. Macedonia in jesc would never be the same. :(

I hope Belgium or Bulgaria to win, perhaps Lithuania.

Posted By: Kate

Posted On: Nov 10, 2011
Views: 3442
JESC 2011

I hope that finally Macedonia will win. It is time.

Posted By: Ken

Posted On: Nov 10, 2011
Views: 2991

The Netherlands are beloved with children, because its actually a good song. And dont forget its mostly children televoting in jesc.

I dont like Belarus, dont think Russia should win with a pre-winner and Ukraine should win next year with Anastacia Petrik.

I hope most that Belgium wins, to add in more western countries. Also Sweden and in this case The Netherlands could help in this. Atleast all 3 shoulds score more than we're used from them.

Also Bulgaria and Moldova are high on my to-win wishlist and I think I will include Lithuania aswell...

My DONT WIN list is:
Belarus, Latvia & Georgia because of the music and Russia, Ukraine & Armenia because other reasons and also jesc future reasons.

Hoping for great results... :)

Posted By: Dragica

Posted On: Nov 8, 2011
Views: 2834

I don't agree with Ruslan Belarus because NL song is popular only among children who have no knowledge of musical culture. Anyone who understands a little more will know that a good song must have more than two chords and better text. However this is a serious competition of future talents and musicians, so there should be little better criteria for evaluating.

Posted By: Ruslan Belarus

Posted On: Nov 7, 2011
Views: 2633

I do not see anything good in the Macedonian song - the song is boring. something similar was in Malta in 2008! That's just super Netherlands this year! And Belgium is also a great song.

Posted By: Star

Posted On: Nov 7, 2011
Views: 2578
Something different

I think that Macedonia this year has very unique song unlike the songs of other participants which are similar to each other and easy to forget. Plus the song has real music value so I think it deserves 12 points.

Posted By: Ken

Posted On: Nov 7, 2011
Views: 2501

I dont really think Russia deserves the first spot, because Katya already has experience within JESC. Russia or Belarus winning again, could also kill intrests from Western countries joining back. I think its again time for a country to win, that never won before.
Best would be Belgium or Sweden... Further it would be lovely if Bulgaria or Lithuania would win this! :)

Posted By: fech

Posted On: Nov 6, 2011
Views: 2440
@ Ben

Didn't you remember before Russia take the first place, there was Netherlands leading in this poll?

Posted By: Junior Holland

Posted On: Nov 5, 2011
Views: 2666
Kids Top 20

Rachel now on NO.1 in the hitlist of children in the Netherlands: Kids Top 20.

Posted By: Ken

Posted On: Nov 3, 2011
Views: 2769

Couldn't the second placer be announced too, since its obviously that Russia will be voted to the top on a partly Russian website.

Posted By: Benjamin

Posted On: Nov 1, 2011
Views: 3047
top 3

Macedonia 12, Belgium 10, Russia 8

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