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Posted By: Lady Gee -The Voice

Posted On: Jan 2, 2014
Views: 2460
Importation of goods

Importing food item has been a concern for decades. Surely economic suffering in Jamaica just increases more and the same story continues. It is a cry for SERVICE for our people. Just who is listening?

Posted By: Danavan Stewart

Posted On: Dec 27, 2013
Views: 1735
stop importation of goods that our farmers produc

Jamaica should stop importation of goods that farmers and companies in Jamaica produced
I believe it would better enable the country to provide more employments and economical stability.
Jamaican are hard working and productive people that are well capable and could easily meet their country's demand providing necessary assistance is given by the Government where financial help and equipment or factories are needed to facilitate production.

Posted By: Tijara

Posted On: Dec 20, 2013
Views: 2308
legalization of prostitution

i think that it should not be legalized. This would cause more people having sexual disease like AIDS HIV Gonorrhea etc. This would even bring down Jamaica more and more.
-A 13 year old

Posted By: Martin M.

Posted On: Dec 20, 2013
Views: 2139
Go After The Bosses

Voted no, but not for the moralistic reasons on which Jamaican policy is usually based. Legalizing prostitution has led to an increase in the trafficking of women in Europe from poorer, unstable countries to Western destinations. People in these countries illegally have no real rights and can be used at will. The same would most likely occur in Jamaica - young women from poorer areas and other neighboring countries would end up in the trade in the cities. The true solution is "decriminalization": don't go after the victims or the demand (which will always be there), but those who sell the vice.

Posted By: Sandra Hilton

Posted On: Dec 13, 2013
Views: 2314
No to prostitution

As a woman, I know I would never be a prostitute. Women who are prostitutes or prostituted by pimps have done so due to their vulnerability in society. In many cases, they were sexually molested/exploited as children, when the confusion about the feelings in their bodies began. The molesters used many psychological tricks to induce compliance and secrecy. For example, fathers telling their daughters that "all daddies do this to teach their daughters how to be women"

Poverty, lack of education,etc., have created hopeless situations, where parents sell their children to pimps for money. Often those same children think they are doing something to help their families survive,and bear little grudge to those parents. Other children are raised by mothers who are prostitutes, and as many children do, follow their parents' occupations.

The health risks, death rates are much higher for anyone in the "sex trade". What on earth is wrong with men controlling their urges and/or self soothing?

Prostitution is a scourge on society and prevents women from reaching their full potential as humans.

Posted By: blackpearl

Posted On: Dec 9, 2013
Views: 2131
No to Prostitution

You have go to be kidding! This is not really a serious piece of legislation, is it? What kind of society are we developing. What kind of message are we sending to our women and young girls. When will the men take responsibility and be held accountable. Having sex for money is just giving more and more to our dysfunctional men whose responsibility it is to take care of the family, not just for women to pleasure and satisfy them as if they are the only important ones in life. We need to lift the standards to create a society where morals are important and a woman valued. Where is the damn government? what do they do from day to day and what good have they done in their time of governing. Where is the accountability!!! This is an outrage that we have a government who do not care anything for its people and is content the have a mediocre status in the Caribbean region. What a waste. We were so once respected and a force in the region. Now we are fighting Haiti for last place.

Posted By: Steph

Posted On: Dec 9, 2013
Views: 2123

What have we come to as a nation, We seem to always choose to do the worst of what other countries are doing instead of emulating the good, suh as creating jobs, revitalizing our infrastructure, teach the unskilled a simple skill to elevate the competence of our citizens, just to name a few. We already have an indelible mark of gun violence that is keeping us back. We literally have incompetent governance for so many decades with no accountability. We have not advanced as a nation in a very long time and our talent pool is dry and literally empty. Instead of uplifting our country with good morals, we have our minds in the gutter thinking about legalizing prostitution. What an awful shame, what a great tragedy. We need a 180 degree turn to progress.

Posted By: LZR

Posted On: Nov 28, 2013
Views: 2504
Legalizing Prostitution

I may not be pro prostitution, but am definitely not against anybody being hauled before the courts or put in jail for exercise a liberty choice. Sex and the management of one's own body is not a government issue so they should stay of of people's personal affairs. Women have always been sleeping with whomever they please and will continue to do so, therefore, if they choose to do it for gain, then it's their own moral decision.

Posted By: P. B.

Posted On: Nov 27, 2013
Views: 2252
No responsibility

Encouraging ppl to misuse their bodies, expose themselves to sexually transmitted diseases, and likely violence from aggressive clients, or pimps intent on robbery, is not a wise idea. Prostitution is evil, and decriminalizing it doesn't 't make it any less dangerous, or harmful.

Posted By: wise woman of wisdom

Posted On: Nov 23, 2013
Views: 2633
legalizing prostitution

absolutely not,government should create opportunities for jobs,training,and education for these women. while enforcing the law and arresting these men who are buying sex.
we as Jamaicans have got to start taking care of our people especially women and children they are the nurturers and the next generation.
the church has a big part to play in educating women and men on the proper role of sex. sex is for marriage. outside of marriage it leads to unwanted pregnancies,std's and hurts.
Prostitution is not the answer it is the peoblem. Lets educate the women involve to get out of it. lets educate the women thinking about it not to get involve. lets educate the men stop buying sex get a wife.

Posted By: haha

Posted On: Nov 17, 2013
Views: 2287

i really think it should be legalized becuse it will provide jobs for those single moms who need money for both there self and child/children

Posted By: Glen

Posted On: Nov 13, 2013
Views: 2632

No because then human trafficking would become a major problem in Jamaica. Amsterdam where it is legal they have a problem with pimps and exploited women. Us Jamaicans can be so small minded and materialistic some parents would readily sell their daughters into prostitution.

Posted By: candice

Posted On: Nov 13, 2013
Views: 2305


You are ridiculous, when it comes to matters like these the first world has many problems of their own. Prostitution is not legal in most first world countries and prostitutes are not afforded the rights that other women have. If a prostitute is raped for example, the police would put no effort in making an arrest; after all she deserves it, she was 'whore' wasn't she. Don't kid yourself every country has their issues. We are here trying to resolve ours and you have the nerve to make a condescending comment. Please stick to commenting to newspapers in your country and leave us alone.

Good day,
Annoyed at your stupidity.

Posted By: s s salveto

Posted On: Nov 11, 2013
Views: 1956
no go to prostitution

what is this thing all about whoering and all this stuff if this should be this and this could be that where have all our morals gone we r all like sheep gone astray lets remember the reading of the good book the book that it is the most sold book in the world the blue print of our lives anything and everything you need to know is in it, we tend to find all kind of fault because we want to justify that what we r doing is not wrong but right but God is our judge who are we to make judgement on anyone why are those that don't believe as Christians do plz stop pointing fingers we all r sinners but we who knowing that we r sick need healing and deliverance so we seek after the physician that's above all physicians to heal our sick soul deseases so why all this fuss, as a follower of Jesus I say no to prostitution it doesn't matter what we say anyway we can only hope that it doesn't become the law of the land we don't need to infess the land with any more curse on our land lets seek to love and help one another for God is love

Posted By: Greenaum

Posted On: Nov 9, 2013
Views: 1795

It's funny to see people in your quaint little country and their backward morals. They'll be legalising homosexuality and abortion next! And then it'll be electricity and antibiotics! It's not what we want in our primitive little backwater.

Let's instead stick to killing batty-boys and raping young women, then calling them whores.

Bye now... off to eat something that isn't fried and didn't fall off a tree!

With love from the first world,


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