THEORIES WITH PROBLEMS - MOON LANDINGS -> Can we trust the Americans in this case?Start A New Topic | Reply
Post InfoTOPIC: Can we trust the Americans in this case?
Posted By: Aziz

Posted On: Sep 3, 2002
Views: 927
RE: Can we trust the Americans in this case?

Well in this case I think the rest of the world should know that America conspired the whole world that Usama Bin Laden was behind the So called September 11th attack and that’s so they can extinct all Arabs and Muslims, I mean I don't enjoy watching innocent people die either but its amazing how everyone takes notice when it happens in America but no one gives a **** about those thousands of innocent people dying every single day in the Middle East. How the **** does America help the Middle East…..can someone please tell me. America is the **** stirring country who supplies Israel with the weapons so they can kill all innocent people in Palestine and Lebanon, you should all be ashamed of yourself and you stupid ass Douglas. “The comments made by the so called "Non-believers" are laughable and I'm glad that there are people like you who are willing to stand up to their half-baked ideas and fundamentalist reasoning.” fool I don’t think I’m that stupid as you stupid ass Jew, how about laughing at your self. Of course we can trust the Americans…mate you don’t even know what you’re talking about, now how about if you go and check out what’s behind your history.

By the way Have you seen the Apollo 11 and 13 Hollywood Movies…who had same background as the 1960 and 1970 landings...sure the Americans landed on the so called Planet "Earth"

Posted By: Douglas

Posted On: Sep 3, 2002
Views: 924
RE: Can we trust the Americans in this case?

Tell me, Aziz, why are you so full of hatred at people and ideas who, for all you may know, only exist in this virtual world? You seem to believe that anyone attacking you must be an American Jew (or perhaps a Jewish American). Actually I'm neither and happen to live on the other side of the planet almost where we perhaps have a different view point. As for the Attacks on the Palestinial people I honestly think it is nothing short of state terrorism. While I cannot condone suicide bombers, I can understand their frustration and that they may feel that they have no other way to attack their enemies. The Israelis, on the other hand, as a State, should be working on a higher moral level.

None of this, however, has the slightest thing to do with the Americans landing on the moon, does it?

Posted By: Keith Mayes

Posted On: Sep 3, 2002
Views: 921
RE: Can we trust the Americans in this case?

You say....
"By the way Have you seen the Apollo 11 and 13 Hollywood Movies…who had same background as the 1960 and 1970 landings...sure the Americans landed on the so called Planet "Earth" ".

This has to be THE MOST STUPID argument I've heard (so far...). OF COURSE the films had the 'same' background as the real landings, they wanted the films to look as realistic as possible so the producers studied real footage. Be pointless if it looked nothing like the Moon wouldn't it.
That is just pathetic, and demonstates the one sided way HB's look at things. Whatever happened to common sense, logic and an open mind?

Posted By: we did 2 go to the moon

Posted On: Feb 22, 2003
Views: 878

I couldn't help but getting OFFENDED by Aziz by his/her/it's blaming the US of falsely accusing Osama bin Laden of the 9/11 attacks. Hope you know - he took credit. Do you know a blasted thing about politics? history? government? Do you know that you deserve nothing short of a B-83 thermonuclear bomb squarely on your head?

How many people died in 9/11? So many people that many of my friends knew. Here you are, saying we're nothing but liars. Why don't we take you to a WTC memorial for a look? and bring your bin Laden sympathizing friends along too.

Aziz, go to hell.

Posted By: we did 2 go to the moon!

Posted On: Feb 22, 2003
Views: 877
Hey, ****! I almost forgot! To : Sue and Aziz

Sue and Aziz:


Posted By: we did 2 go to the moon!

Posted On: Feb 22, 2003
Views: 875
are you ppl racist?

Aziz, what have you against white people? what have you got against Israeli's? Describing Palestine's army as "innocent"? Israel only attacks non-civilians, while Palestine's civilians all die by killing themselves in suicide bombings, bringing a bunch of innocent civilians with them. All civilians are by rule innocent. why does American news get worldwide media coverage? Hello?
Lots of countries get worldwide media coverage. People rather focus on Britain, Russia, the US, middle east, than a remote island that's part of Tasmania (under Australia)

and one more time to both aziz and sue: **** off! go **** yourself with Osama bin Laden in that ******* cave of yours, celebrating over his latest suicide bombings of "non-innocent" american citizens...**** off!!!!!

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Theories with Problems