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Posted By: Jim

Posted On: Oct 12, 2003
Views: 911
RE: Enjoy this one

Yep,came from one of your space sites,Keith.Here is one:

Posted By: we did 2 go to the moon

Posted On: Oct 21, 2003
Views: 878
RE: Enjoy this one

Bart, you are pathetic:

Jim,Buzz Aldrin punched producer Bart Sibrel because he was upset about many things:the guilt of lying about his accomplishments for over 30 years is probably at the top of the list.Buzz knows he was never anywhere near the Moon.
Yes,they were faking history.The video/DVD is called,A Funny Thing Happened On The Way To The Moon.The footage you are talking about was smuggled out of NASA.The idiots should have destroyed but sorry about their luck! Now anybody who sees it knows what a bunch of liars,cowards,and thieves they are.

Buzz Aldrin was not upset about the guilt of lying, or anything else. Are you kidding me? Buzz Aldrin was P.O'd that some loser was chasing him around trying to prove that he was a liar. What do you mean, the footage was smuggled out of NASA? If it seriously was smuggled out of NASA, then why has NASA not filed any lawsuits against anyone? This is laughable...NASA's videos and data from the apollo missions are public.

Posted By: WebSurfer

Posted On: Dec 30, 2003
Views: 858
What is odd about your site is...

You are so upset about hoax theories that you belittle everyone's intelligence who doesn't happen think on the same lines as you...

You are a product of McCarthyism. You are screaming about the Russians as if they had the technology to monitor the progress of NASA. Remember, we took out Afghanistan a little faster than the Russians.

Not to mention, some of your credibility is lost with you brash comments about the intelligence of others, your obvious fear of all that you believe in not being true (no Apollo landing = no God) and lastly, your butchering of the English language through misspelling and grammatical errors.

Go rent Wag the Dog and eat some popcorn. The US Government is happy to have you aboard.

Posted By: Keith Mayes

Posted On: Dec 30, 2003
Views: 856
RE: Enjoy this one

Hi WebSurfer,
What planet do you live on? Is it nice there?
I can't think for the life of me why you should (foolishly) attempt to equate the war in Afghanistan with the moon landings?
Or why you should think America was at war with Afghanistan when it wasn't, but was after Bin Laden. Heard of him have you? Especially as the Americans failed to find Bin Laden in Afghanistan, just as they have miserably failed to find any WMD in Iraq.
Or why you think the Russians didn't have the simple technology required to follow the Apollo craft to the moon (dead simple stuff that) when they had the technology to soft-land their own probes on the lunar surface, scoop up samples and return them to Earth. That not occur to you? Obviously not, way too advanced thinking isn't it?
Or why you think I am "a product of McCarthyism"? That would be clever, considering I do not, or never have or ever will, live in America.

I am not concerned that you do not like my English spelling or grammar, I do not much care for the way the Americans have butchered our language, but that is not the point though is it?
Or perhaps you think it's relevant to the moon landings?
Nothing you think would surprise me after reading your daft comments.

Posted By: Keith Mayes

Posted On: Jul 19, 2004
Views: 838
RE: Enjoy this one

Yes, it is a hoax. NOT the moon landings, they are an indisputable fact.
The hoax is carried out by by those that claim the landings were a hoax!
In their desperate attempt to make it appear that there are a great many people who support their idiotic views they keep posting messages under different names, all saying it was a hoax.
One person will make a silly claim and then half a dozen others will come on board all agreeing with the first poster. For one example see the thread PROOF!!!!! started by BART. See what I mean? Its just ridiculous.

BART is a prime example of this, and uses the following names:
Bart, Brian, Jim, Devon, Jen, Aimee, The Undertaker, JGH, Joey Sloan, FilterFan, Rocco, and others.


People, say whatever you like, that after all is what internet message boards are all about, but please just be honest and use one name. Other people reading this board can't tell if you are genuine, but I can!


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Theories with Problems