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Post InfoTOPIC: WWWIII coming soon to a TV near you
Posted By: wiseguyly69

Posted On: Dec 11, 2002
Views: 369
WWWIII coming soon to a TV near you

Well, King George finally made the announcement all RED Blooded Americans have been waiting for: **** with US and get nuked! Personally, I'm still cracking up at the poor Yemeni who want their scuds back from those mean Spanish. And the North Koreans, they're just being honest merchants, probably they needed the space for their newest nukes, so out with the scud, in with the Nuke. So all you members of the axis of evil, you have been warned: if you start any ****, we will make you a parking lot. Ahh, it's all starting to line up; USA vs evil empire, nuclear weapons, the end of the CAtholic church and most importantly, the French naming the @ sign. Tune in to CNN for all the updates...


Posted By: JSK

Posted On: Dec 11, 2002
Views: 366
RE: WWWIII coming soon to a TV near you

Yes indeed this is one ****ing fight I really
didn't want to happen but it looks like it might.
Once words are tossed around its only a matter of
time.... and by my watch it looks like its time.

Well , there was enough warning and options givin.
Release the lever and get ready to press the
red button .
Happy Holidays : )~

Posted By: Dionysus

Posted On: Dec 11, 2002
Views: 365
That's just great!

Because when Beavis Bush wars the hell out of the poverty stricken Iraq, kills, maims and wipes out all those innocent people, or as he calls them 'collateral damage', this will give all enemies of the United States of Amoeba the necessary motivation to take any steps to retaliate by guerrilla tactics. And there will be thousands upon thousands who will lay their lives down to do just that.

On that particular war front the USA, in exactly the same way as the UK in regards to its conflict with the Irish IRA has no way of defending it's people. Thousands upon thousands of committed terrorists hell bent on infiltrating US soil to kill maim and destroy its people in the same way that Beavis Bush and Phoney Blair did to the innocent people of Iraq.

Baby Bush's all out war is only the prelude to the horrors he will bring upon his own people, when terrorism comes home to roost.

Guerrilla cell groups cannot be defeated with nuclear arms, tanks, soldiers etc. They do not play by the rules of cricket. They are an ever-present threat in exactly the same way that Al-Quieda is now spread across the globe and is strengthened as opposed to its previous weaker incarnation when it was based in Afghanistan.

America had its ass kicked in Vietnam; Britain had its ass kicked by the IRA. It's just like the First World War when the military Generals realized that sending thousands of men 'over the top' in a huge charge resulted in thousands of men getting killed. War is different today, and America is about to become a terrorist nation itself as defined by its own definition of what terrorism is when applied to its enemies. Because this time America strikes first against the innocent, although the thousands of innocent Iraqi men, women, and children who have already died as a result of inhumane sanctions imposed by the United States of Amoeba have already made the fatality list unforgivably high.

Here begins the thousand-year war, all because two dangerous businessmen idiots want to secure a lot of oil for the benefits of their own economies.



Posted By: wiseguyly69

Posted On: Dec 11, 2002
Views: 360
RE: WWWIII coming soon to a TV near you

Yeah, makes me kinda happy that I didn't wait til Xmas to buy Playstation 2 and all those recent catfight videos!! If there is still history in 50 years, it might be a safe bet that King George will be held in as high regard as Hitler and Stalin; pretty ironic considering his fav ratings are so high. While Bush and cronies stir the **** and hide in bunkers, we will go about our business, happily waiting for our Christmas present from I'll Quillya, those dirty rat bastard extremist fascists. Dio, I trust that even though Bush is no prize, you don't honestly side with those screwballs. Even though I'm not surprised that certain people want to strike back at us, that doesn't make them the good guy in this situation. Evil is Evil and Evil is killing of innocents. Obviously the US has made a long list of bad decisions to keep it's hands on the oil; they had a pretty good thing going with their arab buddies and then make nicey nice with Israel, England's little creation, the arabs' #1 enemy. How messed up is that? There doesn't seem to be any other scenario than the following: USA goes to war with Iraq and China, thus creating an enemy with about 3/5 the world population (nearly 100 million Moslems in INdonesia!), loses badly abroad, takes horrible terrosist hits at home and becomes the new Britain. Sounds like fun...


Posted By: JSK

Posted On: Dec 11, 2002
Views: 357
RE: WWWIII coming soon to a TV near you

Its gone too far and all the terrorism and bombs
exploding everywhere is going to happen anyways.
War or no war . Sure blame America for everything.
We'd put our weapons down and that just wouldn't be enough , but in this case I think we should use some force on Iraq and/or any other country thats breaking the UN agreements. They F-ed up
then they pay. Its gotta stop somehow and although
I seriously doubt Sadam was really voted in by
100% of his people , if they wanna let a man
run their country then let em face what ever it
may be.

That sick F u c k Sadam would and will use
any methods to destroy the world and keep himself
in power and control of not only his people , but
others all over the world . I don't want that !!!
I'd hate to put innocent people to death but its
them or millions of others. They had their chance
and not to say they can't do damage to us , they
can and knowing this is why we are trying to stop
it. Why ? Because no one else F-in will or would
until we stepped in ...AGAIN !!!! Now with the
other countries (who also agree with the US)
we will strong arm the bastard . I seriously
don't think we put a gun to Tony Blairs head and
said "HELP US ! " he knows this is a serious
matter and many other countries do as well.

Sadams working with bio-terrorism and manufactoring chemical weapons. You think thats good for our Mother earth ? Do you think they care ? Why is it they need it ? Durrr .... to use on other countries and their own people (which has been done in the past) Thats bad enough and
who wouldn't go in and inspect ? Why are people
so upset that the United States is worried about
everyones well being ? F u ck in Retards !!!!!

I think its time to put a stop to it and to all
his hiding that he and his country has done.
Step up to that plate and be real . F u c kin
cowards all of them.
I could give a rats a s s what anyone thinks .
I am American and back up my "evil" president
for what he is doin and what he may do .

Unlike before it is really now the time to do
something about the BS thats been going on .
I think all other aspects of not getting into
war has been demolished . Don't blame the USA
for everything idiots.

Ta ta -
Happy Holidays ~
(a joyus and happy)

Posted By: Dionysus

Posted On: Dec 11, 2002
Views: 354
The manufactured threat from Iraq

Why would I take sides with Saddam Hussein? There is not an anarchist, Marxist nor radical thinker who would speak for such an obviously inhumane dictator.

But the important point to make here is that it is not necessary to be sympathetic towards Hussein in order to criticise a US president who is becoming equally as dangerous and blood thirsty in his megalomaniacal intentions.

You see if the USA and UK attack Iraq without provocation, and lets face it, Beavis Bush is desperate for that to happen, he wants a war regardless of what UN inspectors find, he will pursue this to the very end as his presidential legacy. That will entail that the USA and UK will become the aggressors, the imperial force of oppression and violence.

Saddam Hussein is the creation of the USA; they funded him and gave him aid in the 80's in his war efforts. Now they want him out due to the reason that he opposes US policies. In other words, he has stopped playing by the rules of cricket, and that ****es Bush and Blair off.

Iraq however does not pose a significant threat to the USA. It is also not aligned with Al-Quieda, Bin Laden and Hussein are diametrically opposed to each others goals, their only similarity is in their hatred of the USA. This is in no way a scenario of imperative where something has to be done to save world peace. Iraq does not stand on the threshold of invading the whole of Europe and subjecting it to an age of fascistic oppression like what the Nazis did under the rule of Hitler. Saddam Hussein himself is a problem, but not to the extent where his whole country has to be invaded to overthrow his rule. There have been and still are many despot dictators in this world that the USA and UK have no interest in due to these dictators countries not being seated on the nexus of oil fields that Iraq is situated on. Look at the immense occurrences of inhumane treatment of people that occurs in China, the brutal regime that exists in Zimbabwe under the tyrannical rule of President Mugabe, the horrors of Bosnia, Yugoslavia, Czechoslovakia. All these are happening now, or have happened in recent years with very little intervention on the part of the USA and UK. Dictators equal to the ‘evil’ as you call it of Saddam Hussein. Nevertheless, no US led invasions occurred. The reason for this is that there was no economic gain to be made by invading these countries. However, Iraq is an absolute gold mine for US interests and the rewards of deposing Hussein are numerous. There lies the true motivation of the US terrorist intentions to invade Iraq. The people of Iraq are not our enemies; they are our brothers and sisters, our fellow human beings. They do not pose a threat to us. Nevertheless, for many years now, thousands of them have suffered death due to US sanctions being enforced upon their country that prevents medical aid and other essential provisions from entering their country. Why should they suffer and die for the sins of their leader, why? In addition, many more will now die if that other well-known terrorist leader Beavis Bush has his own way. If the USA invades Iraq and kills people who are innocent, America could legitimately be called a rogue terrorist super power, an imperial global police force that imposes its violent rule onto those who oppose it. It is not defending itself, but oppressing others. That is what I object to, straight, and simple.

Oh and by the way, if everyone wants to know whether Iraq possesses weapons of mass destruction, just ask the arms suppliers from the UK, they’ve probably still got the receipts from when they sold Iraq those very same weapons, simple solution.



p.s. re: PS 2 games, oooh now we’re talking. You name it, I’ve probably played it.

Posted By: JSK

Posted On: Dec 11, 2002
Views: 340
RE: More babble for the monirator

Dio (my brother)

I wasn't bashing anyone and certainly not you
but now I'll go a little off on what I think .
I Waz posting in the basic concept of " Theres
nothing that can be done"
Its done already and no matter what we bit ch
about Americans, Iraqies, Brits , and so on .
Its a government issue yes I know it and you
know it. Now its the point of backing it and
whats right and whats wrong. Basically , from
my view I don't give a F u c k what anyone thinks.

Its quite thoughtful I might add how so many
nationalities bash our President and our great
country. I for one am sick of it and find it
a joke myself that people feel this way . It shows nothing but shallowness (not in all comments , but most )
but the idea of putting down someone constantly
who is our leader does begin to **** off some
Americans. If it were any of your countries
directing this whole thing it would be a much
different story . I guess everyone looks at us
and thinks we have it so great and we think
higher than you or anyone else ? Thats a crock
of s h i t and we feel the same way about
a lot of things . "American" is the name but theres millions of faces , colors , nationalities and sexes that make it what it is. And our
"comical" president has gone through more than
what most leaders have had to in decades time ten !!! You think he's always going to be 100% approved by the world ... hell is anyone ? After what happened the last two years give him credit for not going off the deep end days, weeks and months after it all went down. He & his advisors knows more of whats going on out there than me or you . Sure you watched 9/11 unfold on your tv ,
but some of us here were that much closer and
lost friends and family from it . That can and
will more than likely happen again and sadly its
Sadam and other demons that are helping in it all.
All of this ads up and this is what the United
States vows to stop. Terrorism !!! Chemical weapons are used for terrorism not to play in the
park with . The United States is your friend
and just about anyone elses and its leaders do
look out for their own and you. This is what we
are doing. Greed and power is what they want you
to think we are wanting and I guess it worked .

I can't believe you don't see that or choose not
to get it in your heads ? Thats right enough Dio
for the United States and many others to be worried about so I will disregard your comments from your other post as complete and utter garbage.

I believe we have every right to do what ever WE think is neccisary to keep Sadam from gaining power today and for tomorrow . Theres reasons
for this and I'd be its not greed. I laugh at
the BS about how WE need oil and materials from
there ? No, WE don't but England and other
European countries do . If they don't dish it
to you , then you take from us and we don't want
that either . In all truth of the matter the
United States resources could power much of the
world if Saudi didn't help . Its getting to that
and how fair is it for them to close doors to
everyone ? They are the ones who WILL use this
down the road and THATS where the greed is NOT
the United States. They do that and have endless
weapons and believe me , you'd be thinking a lot
different than what you write today .

When countries have weapons of mass destruction its only a certain amount of time before they
use them . Hey look what the United States did
to Japan when they tossed a cheap blow to us .
Not what I think should have been done , but
thats the type of power some day THAT man could
launch. Today the USA wouldn't even consider
dropping a nuke unless F-ed with in a big way
or felt threatened and well WE are threatened.
I don't see any other peaceful way of doing things
and this Sadam isn't helping matters . What does
it take ? Why should the world suffer later on
in life and in generations to come and allow this
man and its evil empire the satisfaction of acting
out what they've always wanted to do?

The water surly doesn't stop wars from happening
and lets face it , theres pleanty of them American
haters sitting right in my own town I am sure.
Its even easier to get to European countries so
in actuality you should be thanking us ... but
again your all too stubborn for that.

And U have no solid evidence that the United States is only doing this for greed . You may think and say its the only logical reason , but you DON'T know that Dio. We know they have chemical weapons and they are in the wrong hands. And BS to you , for years we have been after those as ses its not just something that happened yesterday. How many years have they avoided inspections and why ? Does any other countries
do that ? I think not . We've had problems for
years with them and each time countries F u c kin
whine about how we are being the bad guys ? Ha ,
look what the moron did in setting his own oil
refineries a blaze. Tell me that didn't hike up
prices in Europe and mess up the air ? The sad
thing is most of all that was a simple scam which
many fell into and hiked up prices on it. You
look at the United States as that problem and
hold us to this one senerio that we all have
a freakin oil fetish or something ?!?!

Yeah , we funded a lot of what has been built
into what we didn't want . That happens in a lot
of ways . These persons took advantage of a
helpful situation and used it for unthoughtful
and evil ways. I'm tired of all of that . Besides
thats old news and is now open discussion for
the world. Whats goin on in Iraq is silent and
disturbing . Look at how they treat their people.
No wonder they only back him ..... they are totally afraid of the monster . You can try and
BLAME the United States for funding in the 70s
and 80s and say we created it , no we didn't
create it THEY DID. We've supplied weapons to
others in a time of need and you don't see them
using it against us or using it in F-ed up ways
like they did , have and still do.

The world has changed in many ways and mostly for the better.
The cold war is over , countries are now just
beginning to break new ground and alliences are
made. Iraq and a select few countries want no
part in this , but should still do whats most
humaine for their people and the world. They
haven't and they don't want to so something must
be done (period) I don't trust them and neither
do you. Quit with the popularity thing , schools
over dude. If I sound uncaring and mean so be it.
Its what I believe and I do believe in my
country & go with what they say . I also think
George is a very good and strong president .

And lastly I hate death (despite the JSK thing)
but, if Sadam or anyone like him needs to shield
himself behind his people when he knows what can
happen , then he is the evil one. Putting weapons
into towns and hiding out in there ... what a
poor excuse for a human being. Hey Sadams people
back him and George's backs him . Im on George's
side. Sadam is the one putting his own people in
danger NOT us !!! F U C K HIM !!!!

JS(bleeping)K : )~

Posted By: legion (the one, to rule them all,)

Posted On: Dec 13, 2002
Views: 319
RE: and in the darkness bind them....

re: bashin 'Merica, mthrfck

re: just jealous

re: yadda yadda

JSK: the great men of freedom who forged your country would be disgusted with what it has become. Even a cursory browse of their thoughts and writings would make this apparent to you, or anyone with half a brain, really.

No Anarchist (like me) would follow a fascist madman like Saddam Hussein. I might "follow" many of your past Presidents as a compromise - John F. Kennedy, Abraham Lincoln, George Washington - but certainly none of the current pimps. Fascism is the direct antithesis of Anarchism, we are even further left than Libertarianism, somewhere between Ghandi and Abby Hoffman.

Anarchism is the only possible solution for mankinds determined path of self destruction. We shall either evolve, or perish, just like in Nature, just as 'natural law' dictates. Just as in nature, natural law does not care whether or not you "believe" in it, it simply "is" and will carry on it's merry way regardless of the imaginary constructs of foolish men.

"We have to start talking and KEEP talking. When the talking ends, the bombs fly" - (Live! - From Baghdad)

Posted By: JSK

Posted On: Dec 15, 2002
Views: 300
RE: Leege you are truly a f u c k in moron

Yaba daba do back to ya !!!

You can look well into the past and bring up
a lot more great American presidents than just
the ones you mentioned. I assume its because
those are the typical ones most who don't
know or care for the USA would answer . Kinda
like pleading the 5th but more out of stupidity.

Giving the situation I think any president in
Bush's shoes would be getting grief from persons
like you and other morons that dispise our great
country. And thats no matter how we go about things. Your worse than an old lady , its gotta
always be the same .... no change what so ever .
Well, sorry to be the one to say it again , but
things need to change and hopefully it all will
change and not because of what YOU want .

I'd really like to see how popular Washington ,
Lincoln and Kennedy would be for making the same
judgements that Bush is doing. Things were
different than it is today and by far !!! But,if
they were the ones sitting in the oval office
you can be sure they'd either be doing the same
thing to Iraq , planning it , or already had it
delt with . And I am sure it would be a far cry
from your peaceful mission you so believe in .
Remember we haven't dropped any nukes just yet
so til we do please keep holding your breath .

Can you really blame Bush for the "mess" all you
forigners think we are in ? Don't you remember
the problems we've been having with certain
countries for years and with different parties
holding office ? Im sure you hated those presidents and our country even back then .

Just because its not going your way you gotta
bitch . Well , do us a favor and blab about
something more important than the quality of
our leadership and worry more about your own.


Posted By: legion

Posted On: Dec 15, 2002
Views: 296
RE: WWWIII next on the movie network...

...well, yes, I do sorta blame King George the Shrub to an inordinate degree. But c'mon, the guy is a spoiled little rich kid of enormous political privilege who never did a days work in his life. What is his perspective on life? Does it have anything to do with mine?...or the average man?

Clearly he's not an intellectual, not even close to the enormous genius of some of the Founding Fathers who forged your country. And don't listen to Liberal-Socialist-Parasites like Dio, he's little more than a closet Monarchist. Don't waste your time quoting crap to me either, I likely know more about your own countries history than you do. Of course, I know more about pretty much everything and anything than most every common pedestrian halfwit, so I suppose that says nothing, really.

Yes, it's a very different world, a world that has evolved the technological capability for total self-annihilation. The only logical course of action in such a world that accounts for any sort of future for the species is peace, and pacifism, and anarchy. Anything else is merely the path to self destruction.

Will we evolve the wisdom to manage our own inventions?

Only time will tell.

(By the way, as a side note to you JSK, I'll have you know that I greatly admire many Americans both past and present. We the people are worthy of admiration, the "government" of the United States however, is deserving of nothing but contempt and disgust.

Posted By: JSK

Posted On: Dec 16, 2002
Views: 284
RE: WWWIII coming soon to a TV near you

Well Leege ,

You are welcomed to your opinions and thats all
I take it as. If you really think that George
Bush started whats going on I don't know what to
tell ya ? Evil has lurked for years and I think
no matter what president it may have been the
same outcome would have happened.

Sure , maybe seen a bit differently , but still
holding the same consiquences for those who did
it. For Bush to sit back and say "Ahhh just don't
do it again" would be just as stupied and a let
down for his country. I can understand what other
countries think, but I firmly disagree. Anything
the United States views as terrorism or those
involved with it are gonna get looked at a
hightened degree. Iraq is one of those countries.

Hell, I know you "admire" many American's (me
being one of them I'm sure) but , I can't see
where any other country would go with what happened to us ... past , present or future.
And in the findings that we knew and know more
of now, are astounding & reason for whats going on and what could be. Don't blame just us.

Good to hear your a pasafist , I am but not with
what happened to my country which I might add
effected the world when it happened. It will and
would happen again if we don't lay down the law
and I hope we do.

Can't agree and won't agree and just because you
don't like our government doesn't mean our
country or anyone else in the world should suffer.
They had their chance and blew it thus far .....
Heck , they've had pleanty of chances !!!
Happy Monday Leege ~

